The death toll continues to mount in
the Philippines and emergency aid arrives by the hour. News reports
show clips of airplanes from nations around the world with supplies.
At the forefront, yup, those Americans that a lot of the world
Well, maybe the news media just “forgot” to show
pictures of the planes arriving from, hmmm.....Al Qaeda, Hezbollah,
North Korea – you know, those champions of the rights of all
people? Somehow, one suspects that this is not the case.
Yet those darn Yanks, somehow they
always seem to help people enduring disaster don't they?
Sorry, but the Americans, especially
compared to a lot of other sanctimonious countries, are a pretty good
lot by and large. Yes they have problems, but yet, there are many
that would rather have them in their corner than any other.
Anyway, the death and destruction there
is too much for the average person to comprehend and yet everywhere
one sees reports of groups gathering together across North America to
raise money and dry goods to send for relief to the affected peoples.
Perhaps you have also made a financial donation, if so you have the
gratitude of those folks.
Thank you.
Remember all those protests from the
recent past about those “evil 1%” folks who shirk their duty to
society by avoiding taxes and the like? Well.... a report out of
England says that the top 1% of English taxpayers are now paying
almost 30% of all income tax. And yet, it seems to be
the desire of many to destroy the wealth and wealth creation (read
employment of folks as a result). And yet these
same people, well, they do not want to pay more in taxes to support
others less fortunate in society or improve roads. Heck they say “oh
no, not me – I deserve special treatment."
Seems more like a bunch of these folks just want
a free ride at the expense of others doesn't it?
Just like the folks they accuse.
Interesting eh?
Things are heating up again in Libya
these days.
After the overthrow and execution of the late Mr. Gaddafi, a form of
democratic styled government was imposed by the coalition forces on
the country. While a laudable effort, it was probably doomed to
failure as democracy imposed on a country trained to live under a
dictatorship usually “spins” its wheels as no order survives as
no one group assumes authority. Too much freedom without training and
education causes that. A 48-hour state of emergency has been declared
in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, after a fresh wave of clashes broke
out following a deadly protest against armed groups. Tripoli is on
edge since the deadly clashes that also left more than 500 wounded,
local news agencies report the Interior Ministry as saying. The
fighting followed demonstrations on Friday, in which imams, during
weekly Muslim prayers, called for protests against armed groups and
former fighters who refuse to disarm, which then degenerated into
deadly clashes continuing through the night. This “long night”
will take a long time to resolve and many will die sadly, as a
result. And really, these is nothing the rest of the international
community can do to help, nothing.
Life, not always fair and just is it?
In Argentina, President Cristina
Fernández de Kirchner “is recovering in an excellent way” from
surgery for a brain clot caused by a fall recently. Indeed reports
speculate that she will be able to start campaigning in the National
election coming up in that land of beauty and mystery.
What a marvelous place Argentina is,
as we spent a month there last year in the city of Buenos Aires and
what a treat that was. The people are so gracious and kind to those
who stumble in poorly spoken Spanish, as I can attest to. The
buildings have a beauty and charm that enchants one. It shows how
striking a city like Havana could and should be as it also has
similar architecture but under the rule of Communism, it seems as if
everything is slowly crumbling into dust and faded glory. Indeed, as
noted Cuban Blogger Yoani Sanchez (
) points out, all the fabulous Havana fountains no longer spout water
as the pumps have been stolen and the copper lines removed by
Oh, poor Cuba, what lies ahead for you?
In Canada we have a political party
named “The Green Party” and it supposedly is one that is on the
side of the common person (hmm was not the NDP – New Democratic
Party – supposed to wear that crown? And yes , I digress) and
Mother Nature.
It is opposed to Big, Bad Oil. WIFI in
schools, fluoridation in water as well as that nasty old GMO stuff.
So.... the official Green Party blog
refers to evidence of “abiotic oil” (yes, a concept from
Stalinist Russia- that era of great free and rational thinking) which
believes petroleum is not derived from biological matter, but is
rather a geological substance.
WIFI – well, health agencies such as
Health Canada have not felt the need to sound the alarm against the
much-weaker radiation coming from WiFi routers, which also carry the
added health benefit of not being routinely held next to the human
brain such as cell phones which most “Greenies” proudly sport.
Hypocritical ya think?
And bad old fluoridation?
Again, Canadian dental organizations,
Health Canada and the World Health Organization call artificial
fluoridation the “most effective public health measure for the
prevention of dental decay.”
Who is right and who is wrong?
GMO – you know, the food products
which so called responsible media trumpet the buzz words created by
opponents – Frankenfruit, Frankenburger etc. Supposedly the 5th
Horseman of the upcoming Apocalypse to the worlds food chain? Once
again, we have the case where Aaron Larsen, a Canadian-born Harvard
post-doctoral fellow, declared “Just to be
clear, there has never been a single reputable, peer-reviewed study
that has found any link between the consumption of genetically
modified foods and adverse health effects”.
All this proves
that like all the political parties that the Greens oppose, indeed
they also have no shame in twisting truth to their own agenda.
As in life, there
is no absolute truth in politics and no one party has the “only
right way”, no matter what the say, do they?
A couple of
tidbits from Italy for you.
First, showing
that the recession of 2008 still is affecting that country, reports
indicate that the Italian economy, the third-biggest in the eurozone,
contracted by 0.1 percent in the third quarter in the ninth showing
of such shrinkage in a row. Indeed, the data also showed that over 12
months the economy shrank by 1.9 percent. Not a hopeful sign for the
future is it?
Secondly, Italian
men are often portrayed as “mammoni” or “mamma's boys” and a
report from the Italian National Institute for Statistics (Istat)
show that in 2012, 52% of Italian men between 25 and 34 lived with
their parents and that the number is increasing. much
for the land of “la dolce vita”!
Passages this
week include Mavis Batey.
Who was she?
Well, she was an
English garden historian who worked as a code breaker in England (at
a super secret site called Bletchley Park) during the Second World
War. There she worked as an assistant to Dillwyn
Knox, and was closely
involved in the decryption effort before the Battle of Matapan. That
battle has the distinction of being the last fleet action of the
Royal Navy in the war. Incidentally, due to her work, the British
decisively defeated the forces assembled by the Italian navy.
It has been a
while since I talked about life here on my Island and with fall
almost over with, figure a few notes might be in order. Sadly almost
all the leaves are off the maple trees and have been gathered and
removed to compost stations. But... our winter plants are starting to
blossom and that still is kind of unsettling for a former flatlander
I have to say. It seems strange to have things bloom at this time of
year when on the Prairies everything is hunkered down under the cold
and first snow falls. Indeed, I was on my daily walk the other day
and happened to glance at the rhododendron plants in our area and saw
that there were flower buds forming already! My better half, who is
well underway to getting Master Gardener status from the local
University informs me that these buds will grow until late February
next year and then burst forth into flower – February not June for
crying out loud!
Even now going
into our second year here, the growing patterns amaze and bedazzle
me. I hope this joy of discovery never dims for me as the years fly
I went for a
shoreline walk the other day, all the while carrying my obligatory
West Coast cup of hot chocolate (truth be told, it should have been
coffee to be authentic, alas, I have never been a coffee aficionado)
and took a snap of a marvelous sunrise, hope you like it!
take care out
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