Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday musings

What a heck of a week has passed for the country of Ukraine.
The military was unleashed by the President to snipe at and murder protestors and then the sitting government effectively deposes said President who flees to another city from the capital of Kyev (Kiev to some) and refuses to acknowledge his ouster. And then the army loudly proclaiming solidarity with the protestors? All the while Russia (that paragon of democracy and gay rights) is darkly muttering about American and EU scheming to overthrow a democratically elected despot?
Interesting times for the Ukraine one can say and see develop.
Perhaps one of the lessons emerging from this era of turmoil as well as what is happening in the country of Venezuela is the irrefutable fact that the wired Internet tech savvy world that so many live in ( and not just younger folks but their grand parents as well are part of this) just will no longer accept abusive political leaders. And that abuse can be serious or in some instance minor. Serious as in Ukraine, Venezuela and Syria and as minor as a protest over nature conservatory land encroachment by property developers ignoring the law and the wrath of activist citizens in small cities like Nanaimo, British Columbia. One sees it in demonstrations against oil pipelines where the somewhat old assurances of "just trust us" are no longer accepted or when a politician says "it has always been done this way" is roundly and rightly derided for possible corruption or cronyism.
The one danger of this great movement for sanity and respect for mankind and the planet is the very apparent over reaction to almost any perceived slight by any "outraged" person. Universities, once a bastion of free speech and expression now harbor a form of Orwellian ethics police that if any comment is made that just might offend anyone, anywhere, well that is bad and the transgressor must be harshly punished. The University in Regina, Canada banned a students Hawaiian night because posters depicted a traditional image of a Hawaiian hula dancer. It seems that a First Nations lady said it offended her and portrayed female Hawaiians as prostitutes. Of course when an intrepid reporter conveyed this report to some actual women in Hawaii, the reaction was laughter and pity for, in their opinion, the First Nations lady.
There is an interesting debate - well at least for a couple of writers with, specific agendas, in Canada about the role of the first Canadian Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald. They are doing all in their literary power to portray him as an evil, racist thug. He hated First Nations peoples. He hated the Chinese and the list goes on and on. Why is it that these pundits always insist on looking at historical people in the light of today's values? The values we live under today have evolved and changed and grown over time and people have done the same. The people they mock and scorn reflect the values of the society that they lived in at that specific time. In the United States was there not a bounty on the scalps of First Nations people? Of course in America First Nations people are called Native Americans by the way. But anyway, is anyone saying that leaders of that time were evil? What about the Popes during the Spanish Inquisition and the devastation of South America by the Spanish people? How comes no one attacks them or even the Spanish Kings of that era?
Maybe these Canadian critics of Macdonald should think a bit?
Just saying....
Speaking of Argentina, news emerges where the government is offering teachers a 22% pay raise all the while freezing a large number of item prices in grocery stores for an indefinite period of time. And their spokespeople say inflation is not a problem.
A 22% raise is not a problem?
What the heck are they smoking anyway?
And at the same time the balance of trade surplus in January shrunk (government figures here) 88% to 35 million dollars.
Something has to give and when it does, well it does not look good for the average person does it?
And I repeat, oh poor Argentina, such a proud and wonderful land all the same.
North Korea rejected the findings of a UN panel, which accused the state of crimes against humanity that evoked Nazi-era atrocities, saying they were based on "lies and fabrications deliberately cooked up by hostile forces and riff-raffs."
Oh, the world will stand by and do nothing - bet on that.
Syria has submitted a new 100-day plan for the removal of its chemical weapons after failing to meet a February 5 deadline. Honestly, are you surprised over the missed deadline? And of course this slips under the gaze of the international media that is more focused on the Sochi Olympics. And just as importantly, it slips under the gaze of Russia and the USA - big surprise isn't it?
International politics can be such a load of bird poop can't it?
OK, here is a question, what is happening in Turkey these days anyways?
It seems like just a few weeks/months ago riots gripped the country and demonstrations roiled the land. Not a peep today on the news media. What is going on there anyway?
What about Iran?
Or Wales?
Guess we just have to wait until the media decides to start reporting on the news again one supposes.
You ever heard the phrase "bucket list"? It comes from a mediocre movie where a dying man has a list of things he wants to do/see before he passes. And now that phrase is part of today's vocabulary.
I kinda like the phrase want to do list instead. Yes a little cumbersome but  my thinking a little more positive for life than one for the end of life. And yup, I have decided to re-start my own, subject to changes and updating as items are either accomplished or retired because, well the idea may have been, to quote my better half, just plain dumb.
So.... item number one is....going on a glider ride. And that is a tuff one as there is no place near my place that offers such a service.
Any offers?
Speaking of suggestions - anyone care to propose some for me?
Drop me a line (click on my handle under the photo for the link) and if your suggestion makes my list, I will publicly acknowledge it in the blog.
So, take care out there,

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday musings

You may recall how I have commented on the fiscal cliff that faces America?
Well, it seems possibly that something positive has emerged from Washington this past week. And that is an action plan supported by all parties and one that will actually pass through all levels of the government.
Will it solve the money woes and help those in fiscal despair?
But... and this is a big thing, it gives hope to all those that despaired of any form of action by the politicos and that is huge.
A hopeful sign indeed.
In Canada, in the province of Saskatchewan, a strange thing is happening which puzzles and even alarms one to a degree. That province has been in the middle of a population and economic boom for over a decade now. The crash of the world markets barely created a ripple in that provinces economy. And yet... this week a report was issued by the ruling government where the Finance Minister blamed countries like Russia and Belarus in their price reduction for the potash mineral which Saskatchewan is one the worlds largest exporters, as the reason for the province dipping into a special savings account (the Rainy Day Fund) to balance the fiscal books. How is it possible in the midst of unparallelled prosperity and taxpaying population for this to happen? What happens when the boom, as all booms have in history, either slows or stops for a period of time? Something smells here when a province in the midst of record cash inflow has to jiggle the books to appear fiscally responsible. And the ruling party figures that the people that elected them are fooled by the smoke and mirrors now being used on them?
This does not feel good at all.
And the loser will, as always, be the taxpayer.
Over in Italy, proof once again that the country is impossible to govern.
Italy's president is asking young centre-left leader Matteo Renzi to become its youngest ever prime minister after a party coup that forced Enrico Letta to resign as premier of the euro zone state struggling to pull out of recession. This on top of the fact that Italy is the second highest taxed country in Europe - only just behind Sweden!
Have you read where in Venezuela more and more violent clashes are happening as people rebel against the government and its lurching from fiscal crisis to fiscal crisis? And with the charismatic Hugo Chavez gone and his memory fading, acceptance of the status quo is also fading. The future there looks a lot grimmer now than it did a year ago and there is no easy solution is sight.
In the Central African Republic people are being hacked to death with machetes, shot dead or lynched as religiously-motivated violence escalates. And yet, you notice how this horror is not even making the news reports at all?
Instead we get news of the Olympics.
What is wrong here?
It seems the weather gods have really taken a dislike to both England and parts of the United States this past couple of weeks. In England flooding of incredible magnitude has devastated large areas of the land. This is the worst flooding in centuries according to experts. And in the USA, winter snow storms continue to hammer the South and Eastern areas and many areas that just never ever see any snow at all except for the odd year where a trace or two might happen. Of course the climate change folks says this is a result of climate change. Since their forecasts of winter disappearing as a result of global warming were wrong, well now they change the reasoning to reflect the reality of the events.
Obtuse reasoning to justify ones charges is so tiring.
That being said, can one imagine living in Beijing these days as photos and reports of the incredibly polluted air emerge. And stories indicate this "cloud" is slowly expanding across the Pcific to the shores of America.
Perhaps nuclear war or mass starvation or global climate change will not finish of man - the culprit will be the ever increasing pollution spewed into the air.
Can any government say no to bad industry and penalize it?
Doubt it.
As long as the consumer wants cheap inexpensive goods that can be produced somewhere else in the world - regardless of the damage to that part of the planet, it will continue.
As the cartoon character Pogo said - "we have met the enemy and he is us."
OK, over to Spain for some comic relief even though it is understood that the person involved in this incident is not amused and rightly so - but it still is funny.
A woman in a bar in Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter suffered second and third degree burns to her legs when the toilet she was sitting on exploded from underneath her.
According to the official police report, the blast was caused by the unhygienic conditions of the septic tank and the lack of ventilation in the lavatory.
When the woman switched on the light, a spark acted as a trigger for the methane gas which filled the toilet.
As the victim was sitting down, the gas was compressed therefore causing a strong blast.
Hmm, enough said!
 The latest round of peace talks in Syria is reaching absolutely nowhere and some world leaders seem surprised at that. How do these folks get elected anyway? A 10 year old could have predicted that Mr. Assad would only use this reprieve as a means to replenish his armed forces (hello Russia, thanks for the weapons!) and renew the bloodbath. Reports abound about parachute bombs being used on civilians. Sure they are illegal - but who is going to stop this barbarity? The world will have a hissy fit if the Yanks step in right? As for anyone else with integrity?
Aint gonna happen.
No way.
Well, regardless of the weather in many parts of the world, here on my Island, Spring is slowly coming. Many of the trees have buds formed and some are starting to open and leaf out already. The rhododendron are full of buds and within a week or so will also bloom. Time to start the long walks again but hopefully not of the 10,000 steps that I endured while on the Sandwich Islands last month!
On another note, I notice that a couple of postings ago, that it was the third anniversary of the blog coming on line!
I never thought for a moment that I would be writing for such a long time or that there would be people willing to read it for more than once or twice and to think that you have been doing it for three years?
And I truly thank you.
take care out there,

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday musings

Oh wow - the winter Olympics are on in Sochi, Russia.
50 billion plus and so what?
One cannot even apologize for being cynical and apathetic at the same time.
50 billion on fancy buildings and complexes, to be used once and then?
There was an article on line this week where 2 photographers visited a dozen or so former Olympic sites and documented what they saw.
Tragedy no less.
Images of Sarajevo and crumbling concrete edifices covered in wild vegetation and graffiti.
The same in Berlin, Athens, Atlanta, Montreal and the list went on.
Only one site did well and that was Los Angeles that hosted the Games twice. The second time the events were hosted on a shoe string budget and actually turned a profit.
And reports emerge where the IOC (International Olympic Committee) has almost 1 billion dollars (USA) in the bank.
Interesting how the  noble "Sports of Amateurs" is really professional in money grubbing and corruption?
A pox on the IOC.
 Well, in the United States an old friend is bacccckkk to threaten the economy.
Yes indeed, the suspension of the US debt limit expired this past Friday.
 And the dreaded d word is back in use - default that is. Non payment of money owed to creditors both American and International. Reports indicate that money flow will dry up by the end of February and that also is in time for the annual tax refund flow to start. An event the US economy depends hugely upon to kick start itself in the new year cycle. You can see where this is going can't you?
If the country defaults, the economy does not stutter - it stops - period. And the ensuing fiscal collapse will dwarf the last recession in severity.
So where are the American politicians in all this?
Really good question.
Invisible might be the right word.
This is something that will not go away and the day of facing up and doing something, heck anything is fast approaching.
And whatever happens, it will affect the rest of the world, no question. So hold on to your hats during the next short while my friends.
Switzerland this Sunday is holding a referendum on immigration - specifically restricting severely all immigration to the country.
Pundits say it may pass and do so with a large majority vote.
Notice how there was no world wide coverage of this or outrage from the vocal professional whiners? The same people that would not hesitate to pillory Canada or the United States if they attempted the same referendum?
Are you as tired of all those folks that instantly whine on social media or any microphone in sight at any and all perceived injustices - large or small these days?
I will offer a quote here from the illustrious John Gormley recently (he of local fame in the Canadian Flatlands) taken from an article where he discussed the use of certain inappropriate names for sports teams in North America. This quote while discussing those nicknames can also, in my thinking, apply to those who, say, become instantly outraged over a fabricated story of a waitress who was refused a tip because she was gay. Or stories where eating establishments were faced with online organized boycotts over real or imaginary (lies) stories of services refused to a special group, say breast feeding mothers or parents with unruly children and the list of "outrage" goes on and on. Anyway, Mr. Gormley said the following in an article in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix and Regina Leader Post -  But according to today's generation of activists - many propelled by a constant sense of outrage and grievance-collecting - all of this must go.The over-sensitivity, touchiness and self-centred nature of this debate gets tiring.... Now these words resonate with many as they also seem to perfectly fit the new generation of armchair activists that seem to dominate the media  these days. And I for one am so tired of this (sorry, cliche here!) latte sipping, Birkenstock Ipad trotting group who pick and choose the least inconvenient way to protest "everything" all the while doing their bloody best to "have it all".
And you know what is funny in a way?
I remember hearing elders when I was growing up many years ago say in sorrowful terms when discussing the upcoming (my) generation and its destiny - "they just don't get it - do they?" And in a sad case of deja vu, the same refrain is coming from the lips of my generations children now.
Everything old is new again.
A couple of other news items here. First are you "shocked" over reports that Syria is falling further and further behind in the disposal schedule it agreed to for its chemical weapons? Probably as shocked as thinking North Korea will ever recognize basic human rights. And that will never happen with the folks that run that country. Funny thing about Communists run countries like that one - they despise democracy and abolish nasty things like royalty yet impose their exact same own version as is the case with North Korea and even the passing of the torch in Cuba from Fidel to Raul Castro. So much for being the voice and party of the working man. The second item is that Bosnia is experiencing it’s worst unrest in 20 years. Protests against poverty and unemployment have brought unrest to the country and the tension in the country is clear. Anti-government demonstrators angered by the nation's 40 percent unemployment and rampant corruption set fire to sections of the Bosnian Presidential buildings in Sarajevo recently, prompting clashes with police. And the death toll continues to escalate as well.
More and more communities are passing laws restricting smoking in public areas amid proof of the dangers of second hand smoke to innocent people. So how come none of the vociferous horde demanding legalisation of pot agree to this? Instead you see countless images on the TV of streets filled with clouds of smoke from supporters as if to say that the smoke is OK for all? And what about impairment levels similar to drinking and driving? Nary a peep about that but many people are rightly concerned that with possible legalization there will be more cases of "impaired" drivers and no controls for police as present legislation does for alcohol impairment - and what about insurance costs and liability? 
Interesting how quiet the proponents are isn't it?
Oh well, things do tend to work out eventually don't they?
So, here on my Island, heck, we have had winter vent its cold grip on us this week. Indeed we had a couple of days where the evening temperature went deep into the negative field. One day it even hit minus 6!!! But then again, when one sees the reports of yet another winter storm doing some white slip and sliding to parts of the USA  and Canada, well, not too bad after all. 
Hey - only 4 months or so until football starts again in Canada!
take care out there,


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday musings

Hard to believe that just one short week ago, I was composing the blog sitting on my lanai in the warm Hawaiian sun and just "a chilling".
Well, that time is over and in the books and of course the bulging digital photo album and video folder as well. But the memories will last and linger and for that I am grateful.
So.....Mr. Bieber ( I know, I really did not want to mention him ever again but circumstances dictate otherwise sadly) is now facing three criminal investigations in two different countries and possible charges.
He is only 19.
One has to ask where the heck in this whole process are his blasted parents and advisors?
They seem to be nothing but the stereotypical scumbag hanger ons. And what about his druggie and pot smoking "buddies"?
One can almost feel sorry for him.
Sad, really sad.
Hand in hand with that sad saga, the infamous Toronto Mayor Mr. Ford continues to seemingly careen down a path of political and personal destruction - and no one helps him either.
So much for a kinder, gentler world eh?
Instead people gleefully flock to every bit of real or imagined news/nonsense about these 2 as if to gloat over the fact that they are morally "superior" to them in some sort of way.
Where is the humanity in this anyway?
Cowards and voyeurs, that is what they are.
The turmoil in the Ukraine continues with death and violence continuing. Can a return to any sort of normalcy ever be possible or is a civil war on the horizon?
You notice how the three  world super powers are not saying a word on this terrible situation-hello China, Russia and the USA?
Makes you wonder why doesn't it?
A Canadian commentator/satirist/comedian the other day had a good comment on the absurdity of the"disaster" mentality of news media these days. He wondered how it was possible for the same folks to be plugging hyper headlines about the so called POLAR VORTEX in North America when for as long as one can remember, this was called WINTER.
And that is what it is when it gets cold and snows in the months from November to April - winter, plain and simple.
Just like every year in the summer time, there is some knothead solemnly proclaiming that any time there is a strong rainfall, that we are in the middle of the "storm of the century".
In Argentina, that great land being tested with fiscal problems, a government spokesman declared ( with a straight face no less) that inflation for the month of January was 5%.
Hmm, perhaps he meant for each week not for an entire month as reports seem to contradict him, including some from other government ministries. Either way, the population continues to feel the negative impact of an economy under duress.
And at one time, just after the second world war, Argentina had over 1064 tons of gold reserves and only 54.7 tons in 2010 and official figures for 2013 are "not available".
What was once the most prosperous country in South America and indeed the world...well today is a different story isn't it?
Too bad when politics ruin a country and Argentina is not the only one. Just look around the world today and you can only shake your head at the folly politicians have gleefully inflicted on their people through greed and pomposity.
This week saw the start of the Chinese New year - the year of the Horse, so to all "Gong  Hey Fat Choy!".
Here on my Island, it was nice to reacquaint ourselves with the neighbours and I also had an opportunity to touch base with my golfing buddy back on the Prairie Flatlands and see how life was treating him.
Good to be home indeed.
So, a little shorter blog as I recover from the return from the Sandwich Islands and the effort to return some sort of equilibrium to my existence,
take care out there,