So a photo of Hugo Chavez laying flat
on his back with 2 of his daughters beside him had been released by
the government of Venezuela to show that he is alive and recovering from
the latest round of surgery for his cancer. A close look shows an
extremely puffy face and an expression that sadly does not seem quite
Something still does not seem right
about this.
We shall see I guess.
In Argentina the government seems to
have offered teachers a 33% wage increase over 3 years in contract
negotiations. Sure sign of inflation at work in the economy.
Not a good sign at all.
This week a large meteorite crashed
into the northern regions of Russia traveling at an estimated 54,000
KPH and blowing out windows and injuring over 1,200 with its sonic
booms. With the abundance of video devices including webcams mounted
on car dashes, many clips were available for viewing throughout the
A truly impressive sight.
Sadly one talking head for the CNN TV
network was quoted as saying this was the result of global warming.
Here in Canada a restaurant chain has
discontinued a line of beer termed Albino Rhino, named after an
animal with that condition from over 25 years ago because a lady who
recently immigrated to Canada filed a Human Rights complaint because
as an albino, she felt slighted/discriminated against.
As one person noted, pretty soon the
Human Rights Commissions in Canada will support any grievance, major
or frivolous except those from a white male.
Also in the wonderful fantasy land of
Quebec, it seems that the student unions that were so assiduously
courted by the now ruling separatist Parti Quebecois in the last
election, have lost faith in the PQ and now will boycott a summit on
education because the government will not provide free education and
indeed has mentioned that tuition rates may, just may rise with
How ironic.
As many political hacks find out over
and over and over again, it is so easy to promise the world in
opposition but once in power, the real world has a nasty way of
And the PQ wants to run their own
Here in British Columbia, there will be
a provincial election in a few months. So, like many other
governments over the last century or so in Canada, what does the
ruling party do but launch a taxpayer funded media blitz telling
people how good life is in the province. I remember the last 2 times
governments changed in Saskatchewan and it was like a case of deja vu
seeing this here. As if people are as naive as the handlers for the
governments tell the Leaders they are. And the Party Leaders actually
believe this crap. In B.C. The cost of this feel good campaign has
ballooned from 14 million to 17 million. And it will make not an iota
of difference in the minds of voters – regardless of who they
intend to vote for.
A lot of money for absolutely nothing.
What a waste.
In America this week a former police
officer murdered a number of people in a vendetta against his former
employer and was finally tracked down to a cabin in the mountains and
a huge firefight ensued with large amounts of gunfire exchanged and
smoke grenades being tossed into the cabin with the result that the
cabin caught on fire. The fugitive committed suicide and it took a
number of days to confirm the identity of the body.
During the process of securing him,
police shot 2 women in a truck because they thought that the women were
actually the fugitive. The truck was also a different colour and
make. So what made the police shoot these women?
A question that many doubt will ever be
The Pope announced his retirement this
week. He becomes the first Pope in over 500 years to resign rather
than die in office. At 85, many say this is a good decision. That
being said, many say his legacy is a sad and troubled one. Increased
agitation against birth control, no women in the priesthood, anti gay
stance, cover up of sexual abuse by priests – not a great record
people say.
Is it time for a non European and non
white Pope?
Doubt if that will ever happen.
If by some fluke this happened, the new
Pope would be so thoroughly emasculated by the College of Cardinals
and the Vatican bureaucracy, one would never think that the new Pope
was anything but a old white European!
Speaking of Europe, the “scandal”
of horse meat being incorporated into hamburger products has spread
throughout the EU. Just one thing, people have eaten horse meat for a
heck of a long time in the history of mankind and never had a problem
because of that. Also, I suspect that no one who actually had some of
this so called tainted meat even noticed or were affected by it. So
what the heck is the problem? Just stop the process, tighten up
checks and balances and get on with life. Many more important things
happening in the world rather than this tempest in a tea pot.
I think we all have read that Disney
Studios purchased the Star Wars franchise and have a new film in the
concept stage. Harrison Ford, Han Solo in the series, is now 70 and
apparently is going to reprise his role therein. Not sure if this is
a good idea. Film “freezes” a persons age forever and to see a 70
year old man in a new film, where he was (and is in many re-runs and
DVD's) in his 30's in earlier ones will be difficult for many to
Remember my comments on the “fiscal
cliff” in the United States recently? And how ALL in government
ducked their responsibilities to the American people? And then they
cobbled together a feel good bill that only punted the problem down
the road for three months?
Well, the three months are almost up
and nothing was done in the meantime. Indeed the Republicans have
decried the so called sequester cuts that THEY agreed to last year
that will start in March. Now they say it is the idea of the
President and they had nothing to do with it. They are now seeing
what the impacts are going to be in their constituencies and all of a
sudden are concerned. They still do not get it do they? They work for
the people, not the other way around but they still do not and will
not accept this simple fact. They seem much more concerned about
vacations, pay perks and benefits for themselves rather than the fate
of the country.
Wait until the cuts happen and see the
firestorm erupt as people discover that they are the financial
victims in a political power struggle.
It will not be pretty, that is for
I would be remiss in not posting one
last observation about our time in the Sandwich Islands recently. And
that is about the people there.
Many so called sophisticated people
around the world have an arrogant opinion and attitude towards
They are so wrong.
I have once again found them to be
wonderful hosts and a pleasure to be around.
Yes, as in all countries, there are
some not so wonderful people among them but I dare you to show me a
country any better. If the world stopped envying the United States
and instead tried to incorporate some of the best things it offers,
we all would be better off.
So, thanks America, we will visit you
Anyway, back on our Island, Spring
continues to unfold.
I still think it is early and new
acquaintances insist that indeed it does sometimes snow again in
March but somehow, I do not believe them. I see reports of other
parts of the country and feel for the people there. Next week we
intend to drive to a park called Cathedral Park that is home to some
of the oldest and tallest old growth trees on the Island and indeed
in the province.
That should be fun and entertaining.
Finally, on a personal note, I lost
someone that I admired very much on Saturday. I once referred to him
in a column as KHK in B.C. Well, he was my uncle and he was a good
man, a good husband, a good father and a good grandparent, what
better epitaph than that can one offer?
He will be missed by many.
take care out there,
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