Today is Remembrance Day in Canada.
In recent years there has been a
definite and welcome increase in the interest of the “younger”
generation in this day. Originally started after the First World War
to celebrate the deeds and passing of those involved, it has since
been expanded here to include the second World War, Korea and more
recent conflicts.
One of the aspects of this modern day
and age is that video clips and materials from those times have
endured and in some (video) instances have been enhanced. This means
that the visual reminders of almost 100 years ago are still with us
and are still fresh every time seen. Not as is the case in centuries
past where only written words remain and precious few physical
artifacts. We still see the brave young men and women from all sides
of any modern day conflict even though if they survived are either
now deceased or in their later 80-90's or late 50's for more recent.
No longer lean and fit but aged and settled but forever young in
those videos.
One battle from Korea is now starting
to emerge from obscurity into the public consciousness.
In a horrific battle, in April, 1951,
700 Canadians halted the invading army of over 5,000 Chinese
infantrymen. This key battle from the 1950-53 Cold War conflict
stopped the massive communist invasion force from overrunning the
Kapyong Valley and ultimately capturing Seoul, the present-day
capital of South Korea. This borders on the heroism of Vimy Ridge in
the First World War or the action during the Normandy invasion in the
Second World War.
One should not forget that horror and
death during all wars and conflicts happen on both sides and bravery
is not restricted to just the victors.
Please take a moment to remember.
Well, the Presidential election in the
Excited States is now over and Mr. Obama has retained his position.
And the defeated experts from the opposition Republican Party are
crying foul and people like the bad haired Mr. Trump have advocated
on Twitter for people to march to Washington and openly revolt.
Others say ballot fraud and others blame the Hispanic, Gay, Black and
youth vote. And of course this cements the image of the Republican
Party as that of “grumpy old rich white men” firmly in this new
and the next generations mind. And of course the Republican Party has
a radical fringe element called the Tea Party whose members have
campaigned on abolishing abortion for women, allowing that rape is
“God's will” and who also support deporting anyone that seems to
be Hispanic from Mexico who crossed the border illegally and
demanding tax breaks for the super rich and abolishing social
programs like Medicare and Social Security completely.
And they wonder why they do not win at
Oh my, is this party in trouble.
Now the looming “fiscal cliff”
awaits the president and already so called lines in the sand have
been drawn by him and the Leader of the Republican controlled House
of Representatives, John Boehner. Mr. Obama insists on tax increases
for those earning above $250,000 US dollars a year to help pay for
the running of the country and Mr. Boehner insists that tax increases
can happen but not to the rich and only if matched by decreases in
social program spending.
Was anyone foolish enough to think that
anything would change after the election? One can almost see that
nothing will happen and the money markets will downgrade the bond
rating of the States and the likelihood of a return to job loss,
inflation, and the reemergence of the latest recession will happen by
mid year 2013.
And not the United States will suffer –
the whole world will be devastated by this as it will cascade into
the money markets of Europe – hello Greece, Italy, Spain and the
like and then barrel into China and the Far East. Of course one
assumes that the uber rich Republicans will ride out this “tempest
in a teapot” quite nicely.
Oh my, indeed.
The east coast of the States has been
hit with a winter storm right on the heels of hurricane Sandy.
Thousands are still without power and heat and gasoline is being
rationed. Officials are blaming the utility companies for a tardy
response. I think that this is a bit unfair as this is a disaster of
large dimensions and there is no way possible that everything can be
restored to all in a blink of an eye. Look at the disasters that hit
in the Caribbean over the years. After many years there are still
many people living in tents with no future at all. And yes, if it
happens to you it is different but this is America we are talking
about and the response while not perfect is pretty good and will
improve day by day.
And just to show you how American
media, sadly, keeps everything in perspective, what with the
election, disasters and the like, headlines all over the place are
blaring the critically important social news that Justin Bieber and
Selema Gomez have stopped being a couple.
Gawd, isn't that just peachy?
And people wonder why some say that the
States are starting to resemble Imperial Rome during the slow start
of its decline?
And in Egypt, what many feared after
the fall of Mubarak may be starting to happen. Thousands of Islamists
marched in Cairo Friday to demand the implementation of Sharia Law
and demanding as well that the new President Mursi facilitate that
One supposes that the rights of women
just does not matter to those people?
And in Norway, mass murderer Anders
Behring Breivik, who is serving a 21-year sentence for killing 77
people in a bomb and gun rampage last year, has complained that he is
being held in inhumane conditions and is being denied freedom of
expression. Apparently sometimes he is served cold coffee and also
has limited access to quality hand lotion and he does not like
writing with a suicide proof pen ( one that is super soft and
bendable so it cannot be used as a weapon if so desired). In the pen
instance the prison authorities have issued him an electric
So let me see if I get this right. He
kills 77 and HE complains he is not being
treated properly?
I must be missing something or maybe
the world has passed me by somehow.
But this is idiocy indeed.
In news from South America, the
President of Ecuador, Mr. Correa, has announced that he will seek
re-election next year for another 4 year term with boosting state
control over the economy as its main plank.
In Argentina, thousands of people have
taken to the streets in Buenos Aires to protest the policies of
President Cristina Kirchner and specifically the laws introduced in
regards to possession and use of American dollars. Estimates of the
crowds range from 100,000 from the government to over 700,000 from
other non government sources. Inflation is officially pegged at 10%
but others claim it is running at 20% or more and that is causing
severe problems throughout the country.
One hopes this will soon work out as
this is such a wonderful country and the people deserve the best.
In China, there over 2,200 delegates of
the ruling Communist Party have been meeting since November 8th
at the 18th congress to elect a new party leadership that
the world will have to live with for the next 10 years.
Interesting times ahead for the Chinese
and the world ahead.
Syria continues down the road to
Hell.....what more can one say?
OK, now to the mundane. During the last
half of the week numerous news/weather reports from the provinces of
Alberta and Saskatchewan showed the onset of winter with a couple of
nasty storms hitting them. I watched in disbelief as reports of over
2 feet of snow hit my old home city of Regina.
This just seems way
too soon for winter.
While this was going on, we had a rare
sunny day here in Nanaimo and we decided to go to the harbour and
walk around the promenade and enjoy the day.
I really do not miss snow.
Sorry, but it is true.
Take care out there,
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