Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday musings

The Prime Minister of the Ukraine said this week that it appears that Russia had forgotten about the Second World War and now is pursuing a Third World War.
Or is it a case where the Russian leader has taken the measure of the resolve of the world, specifically American President Obama and believes that the world will "blink" and back down much as Russia did during that oh so long ago (at least by the standards of this instant news world we now inhabit) Cuban missile crisis?
It seems that the stream of American political pundits crying out loud for the last term and a bit about how weak the sitting President is on the world stage may, just may, have a point.
Then again, to carp and whine is easy - but to wear the cap of authority and act accordingly, one wonders how well those folks would acquit themselves.
It is so easy to sit back and snipe isn't it?
But when you are in the crosshairs - well, that is a different story right?
No matter what, the situation in the Ukraine will probably define how history looks back on both Mr. Obama and Mr. Putin.
Hopefully, there will be a history for the world to look back on.
And yes, that is how grim I think it is.
And to show that in today's brave new world, money trumps humanity, reports from Germany state that in 2012 Germany sold €40 million worth of rifles, pistols and armoured vehicles to Russia.
What is that old phrase "money talks and....?"
In Argentina, the uneasy tidings of economic peril continue to emerge from reports from the government itself.
Simply put, the trade balance in the first quarter dropped 92%.
Industrial production in March dropped 6%.
And the Argentine Catholic University (UCA) released its estimates for poverty in the last quarter of 2013, with an upper estimate of 27.5% - far from the last government stated poverty rate of less than 5%.
Sadly 2014 is shaping up as a potentially horrible year for the people of that fabled land
In Italy, that sad spectacle of a former respected politician, Silvio Berlusconi once again showed incredible stupidity by saying at a party meeting that in his opinion "according to Germans, there never were concentration camps."
And to show how corrupt the Italian legal system seems to be, he is a convicted felon and has yet to serve a day in prison.
Canada has Rob Ford as a laughingstock and Italy once again shows the New World that the Old World is better at providing incompetents.
In Afghanistan, the presidential elections failed to produce a clear cut winner this week. Therefore a runoff will be done and to many, that is a positive sign of democratic progress in a country once totally ravaged by insane wars and tribal feuds over centuries. Just ask the British and Russians how they view the Afghan people after their failed attempts to colonize the country.
Yes, a dim ray of hope but still, it is a hope.
 Speaking of America, have you noticed how the airwaves and print outlets are very quiet on the topics of Healthcare and budget problems?
Not sexy enough right now one supposes.
That being said, the full cost of the changes to the health system, dubbed Obamacare by critics, is just starting to impact the economy of the country and for sure the impact on the "average" citizen is yet to be felt - for better or worse.
And for the budget/money woes?
This Winter/Spring it was assuaged by a series of temporary measures but those just pushed the ticking fiscal "bomb" a bit down the calendar road so to speak. In a sublime act of crass political arrogance shown by all stripes of politcos on Capital Hill, this "stuff" will not hit the fan until after the next round of elections.
How convenient right?
How dare the electorate even think that these self serving trough feeders would do anything that might make them accountable before rather than after an election!
Sadly, it seems that the average American is just that docile.
But talk about guns and whoa Nelly indeed, that gets them stirred up it seems.
Hard to fathom at times.
Canada has no reason for smugness here as the recent news from the Supreme Court (legal body ) of Canada ruled that the elected Government cannot close down the so called Chamber of sober second thought  AKA The Senate without meeting a series of conditions that are impossible to do. un-elected group of grossly overpaid non accountable political appointees cannot be touched by anyone at all.
Nope, never gonna happen.
And of course the Canadian public will meekly accept this.
The Yanks could learn some cool things about greed and corruption from the Canucks one thinks,
Over to the Sandwich islands for some sanity.
Did you know that this year is the 51st for the Merrie Monarch festival?
It is a celebration to pay homage to alii, including King Kalakaua, Queen Lili'uokalani and Prince Lot as well as Princess Likelike. Also 13 solo dancers vied for the title of Miss Aloha Hula, which went to Ke'alohilani Tara Eliga Serrao of Ka La 'Onohi Mai O Ha'eha'e.
Well done indeed!
  photo courtesy of the Honulu Star Advertisor

Here on my Island, well...Spring continues to show its varied colours to one and all. Indeed I went for a walk near the local harbour and snapped the following sights...

 take care out there,

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sunday musings

Sometimes as the world seems to "shrink" due to mass communications and the like, something comes up that is almost beyond ones' ability to fathom.
This happened this week in the terrible case of the Korean ferry sinking with a huge loss of life, mainly young students. What kind of societal training is there that seems to make it seems normal for the captain of the vessel to instruct all passengers to remain in their cabins regardless of the situation and is obeyed without question?
And the people do so?
I do not understand this.
Is this normal action in Korean society?
Or by assumption, all types of Oriental society?
I have no idea about this at all.
Is this a consequence of so many people living in a limited land space that in order to survive and thrive, this is the norm?
Or is this a fallacy?
I do not understand this except that this is so wrong and sad on so many fronts.
We lost another giant this week.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez at the age of 87, a Nobel Laureate passed away in Mexico City from pneumonia. To rank him as a peer of Shakespeare would not be far off in many peoples opinion.
To list his works would require many lines so perhaps look him up, read some of his work and enjoy what many Spanish speaking people have enjoyed over the last number of decades.
Some sort of brokered peace was arrived at this week in regards to the "conflict" in the Ukraine but it seems that no one told the pro Russian folks there that are seizing government buildings that. So the tense and volatile standoff continues. One suspects that if Mr. Putin went on TV and told them to back off, things would happen but his crafty silence is informative isn't it?
In Germany, proof emerges that people of any age will try to avoid paying duty at border crossings. Customs officers stopped what is reported as an "elderly" man and his wife in a routine road check on Wednesday near Trier, which is close to the border with the tax haven of Luxenburg. Officers found four bundles of cash taped to the man’s genitals worth a total of over €200,000.
Unbelievable to say the least.
Headlines in the American press on this week blared about France’s supposed latest measure to protect its "lazy, striking" workers. According to the media, a law was passed that banned the employees from checking emails after 6pm. Once again, the stupidity of media folks for reading something on the Interweb and not fact checking. Because to their inept thinking - if it is on the Web, it has to be true - right?
Nope, not at all in this case.
The fact is that a law as passed making sure that if an employee did not respond to an e mail after 6 p.m., that they would not be subject to a reprimand!
And adults moan about the younger folks twisting reality - way to go!!!!
A lot has been made in the media about a number of huge American companies (Canadian too) parking vast amounts of cash out of country to avoid paying taxes. Well.... perhaps the average consumer can take heart that eventually justice and decency will prevail in these cases as shown by what happened to the world famous company of Armani of Italy this week. It seems that the firm relocated some out of country manufacturing sites back to Itay and missed paying the proper taxes for a while.
Actually from 2002 to 2009.
A settlement was reached where the firm will pay € 270 million in fines. It would be nice if the American and Canadian governments had the courage to do the same wouldn't it?
As if.
Meanwhile, on the Sandwich Islands, designers and staff at Architects Hawaii Ltd. took egg decorating to a new level by creating animal exhibits, all of them made out of eggs and these will be displayed until April 27th at the Honolulu Zoo.
Perfect for this Easter season.
Cool indeed.
Then again reports are stating that Easter is now third behind Thanksgiving (#2) and Christmas (#1) as the top gift giving time.
Come on folks - people whine about over commercialization but hey - who buys into the marketing and spends money on toys/chocolates to give the kids? Yes - you the adults that complain so much.
A pox on your hypocrisy.
It is so annoying to see those "helicopter" parents so earnestly moaning on TV about how social media has bullied and exploited their kids all the while refusing to admit their willing help in doing so by giving the same kids computers/smart phones with no rules and training and set expectations. No, they give and walk away - assuming that lack of any parenting about perils in life is a good thing and heaven forbid that they no longer are "buddies" to their kids instead of parents teaching them about life and how to grow up in a tough, tough world.
Has a year already passed since that cowardly attack on innocent people at the Boston Marathon?
Say what one wants about America, the American people are strong and resilient and good for them.
But when will the trial ever start for the one person accused of being part of the evil deed?
Seems nowadays that justice is never swift anymore.
OK, can the world just stop doing celebrity group "selfies"?
Enough of these idle, spoiled, uber rich folks smirking in groups for a selfish photo and posting it on line - do they not realize how it soooo diminishes them?
Probably not.
How about some good cheer?
A fellow blogger, a much braver person than myself has recently celebrated her 1,000th post.
Her name is Yoani Sanchez ( ) and she proudly posts from Cuba.
She is one of my heroes in this world.
Meanwhile here on my Island, well, life has been different to say the least. My better half has been cat "sitting" for a friend for the week and it has been, shall I say, "interesting"? We both forgot in our fond reminisces of cat pets past (passed as well) some of the actually drudgery associated with them. The buggers eat 24/7 and this one is no exception! As well, constant cuddles, hugs, walks outside, litter cleaning - it is almost like having an infant around!
Indeed, my better half would say I now have competition in that department.
See if I let her scratch my head anytime soon!

take care out there,


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday musings

So last posting I mentioned about the upcoming election in the province of Quebec.
That is history now.
The secessionist governing party was soundly defeated by a Liberal Party led by a person who publicly says that Canada is an OK country to be part of.
Who would have believed it?
Perhaps, the answer to this might be a very simple one.
Maybe, just maybe the vigorous wanters of an independent Quebec are in the throes of middle age and the dreams of a new country dim compared to worry about pensions, health, grandchildren and their own mortality?
Priorities and desires change with age.
It is called maturity.
This week in Canada saw the sudden passing of Jim Flaherty. He was the former Federal Minister of Finance under whose direction Canada was able to navigate through the worst of the last recession/depression with minimal damage. Indeed Canada emerged as one of the better economies during that period. He had resigned his office a little over three weeks earlier in order to devote more time to his family. Reports indicate that there will be a state funeral for him this upcoming week and deservedly so.
 A good man gone too soon.
The unrest in the Ukraine continues to simmer with violence sparking here and there and barely concealed fear of war gripping any rational citizen. The call remains in Mr. Putin's' hands.
The suspicion that there is a more detailed long term goal becomes stronger by the day.
Is this the start of a new Russian Empire?
Or at least the attempt to start one by Mr. Putin?
One suspects the answer will be shown sooner than later.
In a report totally ignored by the media in the United States, Finance chiefs from around the globe today gave the U.S. until year-end to ratify long-delayed reforms to the International Monetary Fund. The reforms would double the Fund's resources and hand more IMF voting power to countries like the so-called BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. And this is something that the American government really does not want to happen. And the folks in the Tea Party who many term as international isolationists are extremely opposed to any perceived diminution of American power and prestige.
This story bears following my friends.
Do you remember the wall to wall coverage on the fiscal mess in Greece a couple of years ago? All the talking heads smirked over the stress and grief that country was going through in almost a gloating manner?
Hmmm... this week Greece returned to the bond market and yield-hungry investors rushed to buy its debt in a 3-billion euro deal that could mark the beginning of the end of its bailout era.
And hardly a murmur from the media.
Kinda sucks to have a good news story these days - all the media can do is obsessively focus on grief, fiscal ruin and some celebutante butt.
Did you notice in a number of the photos taken from airplanes in the search for that missing Malaysian airliner, all the floating debris - mainly plastic?
That being said, why cannot a country or some enterprise set up a fleet of scavenger ships to scoop up the debris and convert it into either a manufacturing product or a heat source by its combustion? Surely with all the smart green activists there are some with the expertise to build non polluting power plants that feast on plastic debris? 
Aren't there?
So in the capital city here on my Island, the sad story of political ineptitude in regards to the building of a new traffic bridge continues. A contract was awarded to a firm to build a vehicle traffic bridge across a water way with the bridge to be raised when shipping needed to pass under it. So, the construction started last year under what officials called fixed price and fixed delivery specifications. And of course now the builder has filed documents seeking more money and a later completion date. A top elected official blustered about "fixed price, fixed delivery date" to the media. Sounds good right? Hmmm...not so fast as it seems that the tender specifications were only 65% complete.
And the city expects the final price to be accurate based on that?
Something like having a lawn installer giving you a price for 65% installation of grass and then saying that the bill stays the same but you also want the additional 35% for free?
Politicians wonder why the public is sooooo cynical about them.
Meanwhile Spring continues unabashed here as the local magnolia and cheery trees are exploding into flower and giving one and all a grand sight to see.

And my walking program continues unchallenged much to my sorrow.......
take care out there,

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday musings

In the Canadian province of Quebec, a provincial election will be concluded in the upcoming week. Presently, long nosed, pointy head pollsters are darkly hinting that the ruling Separatist Parti Quebecois is headed for defeat after starting the campaign well ahead in the  so called "scientific" opinion polls. According to these wise guys, oops, sorry, wise men (and women) the seeds of defeat were sown when the Premier refused to agree not to hold a referendum to leave the Canadian Confederation.
Time will shortly tell if these predictions are valid.
Regardless, there are a huge number of problems within Quebec that have to addressed by some government sooner than later.
Firstly the provincial debt is a horror story despite massive subsidies from the Federal government on behalf of the people of Canada. The whole economy would probably collapse if the blank cheques stopped coming in. All the pricey feel good social programs that are so cheap for the users - either gone or the fees go through the proverbial roof.
Second, the sinister religious and racist intolerance that is legislated into law must change.
Third the furious hatred of the Separatist folks against any English speaking person or even a single English word has to stop.
Will this ever happen?
Hard to say.
Many generations of Quebec folks have become so adept at blackmailing the Federal Canadian government that the largesse they get is considered by many a fundamental human right!
A lot of folks in Canada see the people of Quebec as a group of "takers" and never giving anything in return.
Time will tell.
Another shooting in America at a military installation called Fort Hood.
Yet another tragedy.
And sadly the frenzied media jump at the first unfounded rumour of the shooter having "mental problems" to loudly proclaim that there is an epidemic of mentally unbalanced military people running amok in their midst.
That does a terrible injustice to those with mental problems.
Indeed, a few years ago, on all major American TV drama series, the culprit in mass muders and the like was always identified as being "bipolar".
As if being so makes everyone  afflicted a lurking mass murderer.
Cowardly and plain out wrong by the writers and creators of those shows and episodes.
For example, in Canada, in the province of Saskatchewan, one of the earliest Premiers was, what we now might term bipolar and he was no killer, indeed he was perhaps arguably one of the top 3 Premiers ever in that provinces history. He was responsible for the construction of the Provincial Legislative buildings - one of the most impressive in all of North America in fitting with his image of Saskatchewan becoming one of the economic leaders of Canada - sadly only to be dealt a cruel setback by the Depression of the Dirty Thirties.
Some even suggest the First Prime Minister of Canada might have had mental problems.
But these days of ignorant fear based reporting, it is so easy to smear someone for being different and never being held accountable isn't it?
Over in Argentina, the signs of an economy under duress continue to come forward. According to a report published earlier by the Ministry of Economy, the fiscal deficit for February reached a new record at 7.7 billion pesos.
That is just for 1 month.
This is not good news at all.
Something will have to give and sooner than later. It is interesting that the Leader of Argentina is not running for re-election this year.
Some might say that that is very convenient for her.
What is really frustrating about what has occurred on her watch as is the case in that of the former Premier of Alberta with her abrupt resignation or the actions of the present Premier of Quebec, is that many people for years (myself included) have agreed with the philosophy that women in politics were denied their rightful place because of sexism. And that once they gained the halls of power, well things would be different. It was said that women were more consultative and more democratic and had higher standards than those"good old boys" they replaced.
Yet these women showed that they can be just as bad as the men.
Just as corrupt.
Just as petty.
Just as vicious.
And that is a damn shame.
 Spring is truly here in North America, what with the start of American style baseball this past week. Amazing sport where the teams play well over 100 games to have just a select few enter the playoff system More of an endurance contest one would think. Then again in the ice hockey league - the National Hockey League that is - there are even more games played but many more teams get into the playoffs - almost as if mediocrity is actually rewarded. A strange world indeed where an athlete gets paid in the millions of dollars for PLAYING and others (social workers, retail clerks, day labourers to mention a few) get paid paltry sums and in many cases, not even enough to live on without a secondary source of income.
Something is screwed up here.
And one can see scary parallels with society in ancient Rome before its collapse.
Remember my German word of the day?
Well this week it is going to be my Hawaiian word of the day!
Kawele Pepa.
When I first heard it, images of some exotic nature floated in my mind.
Paper towel.
Oh well.
Back here on my Island, well we have had an interesting week. Life has thrown us a couple of curve balls but we will endure, no question. Sometimes it is just a little harder to bounce back than one normally does.
I still am amazed over the variety of wildlife that drifts in and out of our area. Animals I never once saw all those years of living on the Prairie Flatlands seem commonplace here. There are a couple of bald eagles nesting within eyesight of our place. And of course our evening visits from wild deer continue.
And then this bird showed up the other day!

And the rotter saw me and tried to stare me down!
Unbelievable to say the least.
Kind of cool actually.
Take care out there,