Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday musings

I have referred to this movie in the past and will do so yet once again now - Groundhog Day.
Indeed, just repeating a reference to it confirms the premise of the movie where events (or in my case, referring yet again as before to the movie) repeat themselves day after day. The repetition I refer to is in order (1) events in the Ukraine (2) Malaysia Airlines missing flight (3) United Nations reporting that the planet is doomed.
Too much has been written on the first two items. Events in the Ukraine are just starting and one suspects Europe is in for a trouble and possibly conflict filled period. The tragedy of the doomed flight - well soon the media juggernaut will tire and move on and leave the families to grieve. This has happened many times before and will again.
The UN report - another waste of space by a waste of space orginization.
What has it done, say on matters like the Ukraine, Syria, Ethiopia, North Korea, Democratic republic of Congo, Venezuela?
Let it die.
Canada and other nations should walk away from that failure and sooner than later.
Want to bet  that it does not happen?
Political egos and points will prevent it.
And humanity is the loser.
So, in the American city of Glendale, California, a story has emerged that shows how extreme political correctness crap has infiltrated the world. The City has offered a self defense course for women and girls for years. Many would say that this is a good thing in a tough world. So....of course a group dedicated to the rights of men has filed a discrimination complaint against the City for not offering the same course to men.
Pathetic is too nice a word.
Someone should tell that men's group to grow up.
Meanwhile in France just the opposite has been reported.
Women there may have to ditch their high heels next time they get behind the wheel of a car after the Supreme Court ruled that wearing the footwear was a breach of the country's highway code. According to a court judgement wearing heels was in breach of the article R. 412-6 of the highway code which states drivers must be able to "execute conveniently and without delay all the necessary manoeuvres".
Come on.
Think that Spain is coming out of the last recession (circa 2008) any time soon?
The full scope of Spain's evictions epidemic has been revealed in figures from the General Council of the Judiciary which show that 67,189 people lost their homes in 2013. That works out to over 184 Spaniards a day.
Cold comfort for them.
Remember the teachers strike in Argentina where a some 20%plus increase was rejected by the teachers?
According to the front page of the Buenos Aires Herald the other day, one article declares that the 2 sides are still apart and will meet again on the first of April. While in the column right beside it is an article proclaiming that the strike is over and classes will resume on April first.
That being said, this is an example of how modern technology has in essence "dumbed down" the human workforce. Before computers and spell check, all newspapers (indeed all printing companies as well) employed "proofreaders" whose function was to read articles to check for  (gasp) accuracy, spelling, correct terminology and structure, syntax and the like.
No more.
Instead the people that own/run those papers have eliminated the position of proof reader and sadly embraced the thinking that the machine Spell Check function is perfect and cannot screw up.
Hmmm.... something like the way some governments operate in their contempt for the people that elected them.
On the lighter side, over on the Sandwich Islands a state legislative committee has approved a bill that would end an unusual provision in Hawaii law that permits police to have sex with prostitutes.
Golly, some people want to take all the fun out of being a police office on the Islands don't they?
Remember where a little while ago I ask for some suggestion for my "things I want to do" list?
I was not sure if anyone would respond but am pleased to say a number of you did. I am in the slow process of setting up my list and those suggestions that actually make it, well I will acknowledge them and the writer in a blog posting!
That being said, there is still time for those of you that may have hesitated to speak up - just click on my photo/handle and send me your suggestion.
And now the month of March ends.
One quarter of the year is over.
What the heck?
I thought Time slowed down after you turn old - say, 45 or so?
Instead you blink, you snooze, you lose and it is the day after the day after!
Not quite fair is it?
The East Coast of Canada was visited by yet another late winter blizzard and in telephone conversation with folks back on the Flatlands of Saskatchewan, one tells us that there is still 1-2 feet of the white stuff on the ground.
Here I am still surprised by the early (according to my Flatlander background) Spring times and hopefully will always be so. I was at a local shop the other day and stopped to marvel at the small flower display outside.
Only 6 months or so until the first snow flakes of winter come!!
take care out there,

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday musings

There is a gentleman who writes a Sunday column in a local paper that recently has been blasted by a few "people" for his latest writing. He is a long retired man who has a variety of delightful views on people and events in his life.
Something like you and me.
An individual.
Well, this last week he wrote on how the latest crop of grandchildren in his life has turned his world upside down and turned a somewhat quiet life into a hectic shambles - at least for him that is. He indicated that he would exchange one for a "later" more polite model if possible. That being said, it was obvious the old tongue in cheek ploy was at work.
Well...... the heavens opened and a deluge of pathetic, self centered whiny twits wrote in and lambasted him for being a mean, spiteful ogre.
Bunch of damn fools.
Why can they not get a life and leave the world alone?
What is so wrong with people that they are always "so darn offended" by anything that they must bleat and blather about their hurt feelings anyway?
What is so lacking in their make up that they must attack anything that is a little bit different from their own twisted view of the world?
I repeat - bunch of damn fools.
Russia continues its creeping annexation of parts of the Ukraine and the world continues a deafening silence.
And the United Nations?
Deafening inaction.
Big surprise that.
Some provinces in Canada are threatening to ban imports of Russian vodka - bet you Mr. Putin cannot sleep at nights over that awesome response.
And Canada still is selling arms to Russia.
Two Venezuelans died from gunshot wounds during protests against socialist President Nicolas Maduro, witnesses and local media reports detailed this week, pushing the death toll from almost two months of anti-government protests to 33.
And of course many governments in South America blame the Americans for this.
Common sense seems to be on a vacation these days doesn't it?
Turkey's ban on Twitter ahead of bitterly contested elections brought a furious reaction at home and abroad, with users of the social networking service denouncing the move as a "digital coup" and the president expressing his disapproval. It seems that the President did not like comments critical of him and his government and decided to shut Twitter off.
Do you sometimes get the impression that many politicians are a step behind the events and operations of the real world? The days of running a country like in the "good old days" are fading and even hard line countries like North Korea (to name one) will one day have to radically change the way they operate or face possible violent change.
In the Canadian province of Alberta the Government Leader, a Ms. Redford resigned after mounting pressure and criticisms of her use of government airplanes to fly her and her family around many parts of the world at taxpayer expense. And to hear her explain, it seems that she thinks she was entitled to this as Premier and as a mother. She also seems to forget that she is the employee of the people and works for them and not the other way around.
You have heard the term "selfie"?
A photo one takes of themselves, usually with a cell phone and then post on the Interweb?
Well... over in Spain a 21-year-old from southern Spain died on Saturday after being electrocuted when he climbed on to a train to take a photo of himself with friends. It seems the poor fellow suffered the fatal blow when he touched a high-voltage wire on a train he and his friends had assumed was not electrified. The group had climbed on top of the parked train car at Andújar train station to take a picture of themselves when they suffered the severe electric shock.
For every action there is a consequence isn't there?
That missing Malaysia airplane?
Still not a trace but lordy the theories are wild and wacky and the media still are loving the story ad nauseum aren't they? As soon as the first scrap of debris is found and it will happen no doubt, just wait and see how many seconds it takes for the talking heads to latch onto some other new "breaking" item of global importance. Wanna bet it will be the story of a broken fingernail of some celebutante whose main skill level is showing their posterior in a bikini or some other worthwhile talent.
I give you in contrast to people like that (names like perhaps Hilton, Bieber, Kardashian come to mind) the sad story that came from Afghanistan this week. A brave woman originally from Victoria, B.C. was murdered by evil, evil scum this week in the city of Kabul. Her crime? Well, she was helping women and young girls become educated and empowered to actually believe that they were the equals of men and not their property and toys.
That woman was and is a hero.
And those that killed her will rot in some hell of their own making if there is any justice in this world.
On to better things...
On the Sandwich Islands in Honolulu, the Great Hawaiian Rubber Duck Race will have taken place this Saturday at the Ala Wai.
This marks the seventh time that the 20,000 duckies have participated in this world famous event.
Lucky ducks.
Here on my Island, in the city of Nanaimo, a domesticated Emu somehow escaped its enclosure and to the delight of local media and citizens, roamed the city and woods nearby for a number of days. Indeed, there was even a website created to follow her exploits.
Ah, such is Island life!
Sometimes not knowing something can be a good thing.
To wit, as you know, I am ensnared on the 10,000 step slog that my better half has sentenced me to and as such, have a number of jaunt locations that I prefer. The other day as I briskly strode (stumbled, crawled) along the one walkway, I discovered to my horror a sign post listing the full length of the walk! What I thought (indeed was told by the Better Half) was a MINOR STROLL actually was a blasted 2.5 mile endurance marathon!
I will never be the same......
take care out there,

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday musings

So elections will be held in the Crimea to see if the people there want to leave the Ukraine and become of a Russian "protectorate".
Foregone conclusion.
Any guesses if this will be the end of the turmoil and that no violence will occur - now or down the road?
Right, only a mugs game that - for sure this is the start of what may be a long and violent path for that country.
In Canada, in the province of Quebec, the governing provincial party - the PQ, which loudly proclaims it goal to destroy the Canadian nation and secede as its own country has issued an election writ. The leader, a Ms Marois says the republic (or is she expecting to become the First Queen?) will of course use the Canadian currency, draw Canadian Pensions where applicable and of course pass the provincial debt back to that evil nation Canada.
Of course this will be done peacefully as she expects the rest of Canada to sigh and say - OK, fine with us.
In some quarters what she and her followers are advocating is termed treason. In some countries traitors of that brand are imprisoned or executed. America had Benedict Arnold and its own Civil War.
What about the strife in Spain with ETA?
History is replete with examples and yet here in Canada, the country  is expected to give a pass to what some call political terrorists?
Just asking my friends.
The civil war in Syria hit the three year mark.
Well done the United Nations - because is not part of your reason for being is to stop such evil as soon as possible?
Canada finishes its withdrawal from Afghanistan this past week in a quiet, solemn manner.
No bands.
No parades.
A few flag cermonies.
What was accomplished in this 12 year mission anyway?
Indeed, the local Taliban in that country tells its forces that they are to "congratulated" for "defeating" the foreigners.
In a way they have, haven't they?
They are still there, now poised to overthrow the apparently corrupt and weak government installed by Western countries, led by a Mr. Karzi. And for sure the perverted version of religious rule they espouse (completely contrary to the teachings of the faith by the way) will soon force females back into covered submission and all schooling for girls will stop.
Brave folks these men of the Taliban - aren't they?
Another word comes to mind doesn't it?
So, that missing airline from Malaysia Airlines still is missing after a week plus.
Maybe it exploded.
Maybe it was hijacked.
Maybe the pilots committed suicide.
Hmm, are you as puzzled as I am in that it seems governments can know all there is about you, track your via phone, banking, drones and the like but a big blasted Boeing 777 kinda vanishes?
Did all the satelites shut off for a while?
Did all the radar stations of every military base and airport in the region shut off for a while as well?
Something does not seem quite right here does it?
 There is a movement these days (oops, sounds a little gross didn't it?) anyway, to ban the word "bossy" as it is deemed by some folks as a bad word.
Well boo bloody hoo to them.
Come on now, everybody is soooo offended by something and immediately in order to spare their poor, hurt feelings - ban it!
Here are a few politically ncorrect words and the suggested replacements for you -
1. broken home - dysfunctional family
2. criminal - behaviorally challenged
3. clumsy - uniquely challenged
4. fat - horizontally challenged
5. foreign food - ethnic cuisine
6. illegal aliens - undocumented immigrants 
7. lumberjack - tree murderer
8. sex change - gender reassignment
9. unemployed - involuntarily leisured
And let us not forget the biggest cop out from these self styled left wing activists - always throw out the emotional dynamite of the phrase "for the children's sake". In way too many cases, any excuse for their own pathetic helicopter parenting skill shortage and the need for someone else to assume responsibility - definitely not them, oh heck no!
There is a small town in the Canadian province of British Columbia where some, in some peoples thinking -selfish, arrogant and firm believers in what you read on the Internet must be true - believe that the policy of vaccinating is wrong. Because, for the children's' sake, measles inoculation ( a proven safe method) is not done to their children and of course - an outbreak happens putting others now at risk. Immunization takes 2 inoculations so all the children that have had 1 and were in line to get the second are at risk. And these believers, what do they say? The usual crap - not their fault or problem. After all, it is for the kids sake they did this.
Ever wonder when the shift in the thinking of folks from being a responsible, participating, caring member of society was replaced by the "what is in it for me at no cost" set of folks happened?
Sometimes it is disheartening to see where we seem to be headed.
 Anyway....... here on my Island the seasons progress along with no care to the foibles of man at all.
I was able to do my (now annual as we have been here for 2 winter seasons now) Island Spring beach walk and while not in hot weather, still was able to wear shorts and stroll the shoreline - surely a sign of good times to come.

 take care out there,

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday musings

OK, two rants today.
The first is about the media and the second is about politicians.
Previous postings have noted my not too fawning adoration of the media these days.
From their inability to actually report on real news such as the mess in Venezuela as compared to the number of pimples on some waste of space Canadian warbler AKA: Justin Bieber to the hounding of "famous" reality stars who pimp themselves in front of their cameras (and then complain about a lack of privacy - ha!). And... the complete callous almost evil disregard for the grief of families/friends in the case of a disaster. Take a look at the following picture taken with the recent reports of a missing, presumed downed airliner in the Far East-
The faces of the affected have been blurred but count the news vultures surrounding them - at least 5 of these emotionless turds.
Have they and their employers no sense of human decency?
Or is that question just an moronic type of redundant question?
And these "media folks" say - the people have a right to know and see this.
I cry bull shyte on that and them.
It is time that the media rethinks itself and its obligation to the public and the boundaries that they should respect.
Enough of their arrogant attitude - as pathetic as some politicians contempt for their employer - the electorate.
And that brings up the second rant - politicians.
Why are they incapable of ever, ever, ever saying they made a mistake?
Or that they are wrong on something?
Instead they spin, twist, outright lie and expect that the stupid electorate does not understand squat.
An example here in my province where the transportation minister says that a crippling of a certain ferry service will not be noticed by anyone or have any effect on any part of the economy that the soon to be discontinued ferry service of the islands and coastline that were once serviced on a regular basis. Oh no, this blatherskyte say that tourists will flock to an alternative ferry that will take 9 bloody hours to travel and may, just may have on board services improved to include - are you ready? maybe some BOTTLED WATER and maybe some WIFI and maybe COLD SANDWICHES! And he thinks people and tourists will just love that.
What the hell is wrong with these people?
They have no problem in increasing fees, charges and the like - but then again, they get automatic self decided cost of living increases don't they?
On one hand they bleat about "infrastructure spending" as a necessity for an underground rail line expansion in their constituency but use the nasty, evil word "subsidy" when something like ferry service in an opposition politicians riding is discussed.
Take a look at the crisis in the Canadian grain transportation system created by the 2 railroads. They are the sole means of transport for grains to the east and west coast export terminals and yet this winter they have moved very little product preferring to ship oil instead. There is more money in transporting oil than grain - a fact. So, the federal government after months and months of blasted begging by farmers, provincial governments and even end customers finally issues a demand that the railways up their game and ship buckets and buckets of grain immediately or face a fine of $100,000 a day (payable not to the affected farmers, oh hell no, but to the Federal government!) and all this was said with much pomp and bluster. The railways that only a couple of days before blamed all the travail on a cold winter (honestly, when have you ever heard in all of recorded history of a damn hot winter in Canada?) and smooth faced declared it was something that was impossible to remediate - well, lo and behold, they now mumble that, well, OK, maybe we can do something - wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
A pox on the politicians and a pox on the scavenger media all of them are fit bed fellows for each other!
Honourable professions - not anymore, not by a damn long shot my friends....
A pox on them but enough...
In the Ukraine, bad goes to worse and that seems to be just the start. The portion of that country called Crimea is set to split from  the country and joyfully be swallowed up by the Russian Federation. This so looks like the Sudetenland tragedy from pre-World War Two doesn't it?
And really, Europe and the world can do nothing about it, right?
So what is next?
Another Phoney War similar to what happened from September 1939 to April 1940?
Or nothing but a shrug and casual acceptance and burrowing your head into some tabloid gossip magazine?
Speaking of saying one thing and doing yet another - French president François Hollande said a controversial sale of two state-of-the art warships by France to Russia was still on. But the French government will boycott the Winter Paralympics in Sochi due to the events in the Ukraine.
Money before ideals - right?
I must admit some skepticism about the will and integrity of Europeans in this matter. A simple recollection of history showed that until all of North America (Canada and the United States) entered the 2 previous European conflicts of the last century, appeasement was the norm and armed conflict was a last desperate resort.
The question unanswered so far is this - is this quasi conflict only at the behest of one man - Mr. Putin or do the Russian people and those in the Crimea strongly support this?
As history has shown ad nauseam, logic and rational thinking flee when the banner of patriotism is stuffed in ones face - right?
To poorly and probably incorrectly misquote the words of some famous writer - this is the Spring of discontent in the Ukraine and indeed Europe and the Russian Federation.
No good will come from this one fears.
That unknown little priest from a small parish in Buenos Aires celebrates the one year anniversary in his new position. Hmm, you know - the Pope? It seems that his popularity is the envy of many politicians world wide. Amazing how honesty and sincerity are rewarded by the people isn't it?
Good for him.
From the "are you surprised at all" file - reports from the Middle East indicate the likelihood that the folks supplying long range missiles to a terrorist group in Gaza is the peace loving rulers of Tehran.
Another great left us this week. 
The Spanish flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucía has died aged 66 of a heart attack while on holiday in Mexico with his family, according to official sources in his home town of Algeciras in Andalucia.
Enourmous talent, silenced too soon.
In a rare case of showing integrity, Sweden has said it will halt all state-to-state development aid to Uganda after the East African nation passed legislation curtailing the rights of homosexuals according to its the international development minister. The sad side of this is that many people needing the aid will suffer as a result.
You know, sometimes it is so darn tough looking at the way the world is these days.
Bu then again, has it ever been really any better or worse?
There still is a quiet beauty in a sun rise.
The call of lonely eagle.
The fullness of a long, deep breath of clean, fresh air here on my Island.
One can only hope.....

take care out there,

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday musings

The story continues to unfold by the day in the Ukraine.
First the President "disappears" from public view (only to surface at weeks end somewhere in or near Russia) and then Russian forces - albeit stripped of insignias and unit markings occupy a couple of airports in that country to protect "ethnic Russians" that live there. Of course these "unknown" forces drive Russian machines, carry Russian weapons and speak Russian but wink wink, they still remain of "unknown" origin.
Almost 150,000 Russian soldiers based near Crimea in the Ukraine, are mobilized for war exercises but apparently that has no bearing on the events occurring there.
The Russian Parliament rubber stamps Mr. Putin's' request to be allowed to intervene in the internal affairs of the Ukraine with the Russian military if he deems it needed. He proclaims nothing but peaceful intentions.
The EU mumbles platitudes and does nothing.
Canada mumbles and Russia snickers.
The United States speaks darkly of actions taken in retaliation if fighting results between the Russian military and the military of the Ukraine
And for sure more people will perish.
And somehow some politicians of the Republican bent in the United States loudly claim that all this is vindication of the failed Vice presidential candidate in the last election where she proclaimed a vote for Mr. Obama was a vote for Russian involvement in the Ukraine.
Lord politicians in the States are a strange bunch aren't they?
Just as in Canada, these politicians forget that they are in opposition and part of their JOB is to offer constructive alternatives to the governing party/individual. Not just rabid opposition regardless of thoughtful dialogue.
Too much to ask for I suppose.
 It is not too much to say but the entire face of Europe is in danger these days with the events happening in the Ukraine. But one wonders about the possibility that what might occur could be a re-run of the "anschluss" of Austria by the Reich of Germany in the 1930's. Europe stood by then and will they do a repeat if Russia takes over the Ukraine? If so, we know where this path might lead don't we? Because regardless of what certain left wing peace at all costs (remember Mr. Neville Chamberlain by any chance?) activists say, Mr. Putin's record is not one of peaceful intentions. In that he more closely resembles the mythical Russian Bear of folklore. There is no back down or appeasement in that individuals character. He once was head of the feared KGB and you do not get to that position by being a pacifist do you?
You have to ask if there are any politicians in the world that have the courage to deal with this crisis in the making?
Over in Argentina, the wage increase of 22% offered to the teachers by the government has been rejected as well as a subsequent 25% increase offer! And the President then accuses grocers who have increased prices of some goods as being "looters" of the country.
Unbelievable isn't it?
Not enough tears in the cosmos for what lies ahead for that once great land I fear.
Venezuela has had extreme civil unrest now for over a month and there is such a miniscule trickle of news reporting on this that one has to wonder where the hell the world media is these days - oh - forgive me, the Oscars are this weekend - how could I forget this occurrence of earth shaking importance? One suspects there will be an overly long tribute during those ceremonies to the late actor Mr. Hoffman who died of a massive drug cocktail overdose. Self induced in his case. But the media will sob over that while people are killed in Venezuela and the Ukraine.
I repeat - Unbelievable isn't it?
So, have you followed the story of the invisible, or properly known as virtual (non physical) currency called Bitcoin? Supporters said it was currency not controlled by government and it meant "economic" freedom from government manipulation of currency. These supporters brought this Bitcoin into mainstream usage with of course the result that drug lords can use it without any trace to them making money laundering perfect for their evil gains. And of course the supporters wanted no government oversight or involvement. So the result is that a virtual currency worth pennies originally became worth in the thousands of dollars and you guessed it, one of the majour virtual exchanges "lost" all their Bitcoins to theft by "someone" and now has filed for court bankruptcy protection from the same authorities they had no need for. You ever notice all the loud yappers in the world that denounce governments for being so evil are usually the first ones to demand aid/support/subsides from the same governments they despise?
And of course they want it for free don't they?
 There is a discussion in the United States these days about racism in their National Football League. A proposal is in the works that will ban the use of the so called N word by players with a penalty. For those unfamiliar with the term N word - it stands for the word Nigger. And this is where I am puzzled and I think I speak for many folks on this. I understand and agree that the historical use and meaning of the word is racist and should not be used in this modern world. That would place it in the company of other words no longer used openly such as Wop, Dago, Chink and the like - they are all wrong. OK, then why is it acceptable and promoted by so called rap artists in their music? Or when black people (mainly in the United States it seems) call each other that but change the word slightly to come out as  "nigga"? That makes it right? And only black people can use it? Do you understand it? Or is this a case of where time has indeed passed this blogger by?
Also in the States, the governor of Arizona has vetoed a legislative bill that would have allowed shop owners to refuse service to folks that offended their religious beliefs. Many saw this as an attack on gay rights by the legislators. what these legislators refused to understand was that this proposed law could impact them as well. For example, Sharia Law could take precedence over American civil law because it is fundamental to the religious beliefs of some. What about the beliefs of those that promote multiple spouses? Sometimes what is thought of as an "easy" fix to a problems can create a wicked backlash instead. One would have thought that the era of what a person does in their own bedrooms is only their business was well established but apparently the struggle continues.
Do those folks so virulent against the rights of all people forget that we are talking about "people"?
One feels some pity for them.
Remember a while ago where I mentioned about the travails of the biggest city here on my Island in regards to its sewage treatment program? How it seemed that goals were put into place without a plan on how to get there? these bright folks in charge of the sputtering plan have decided to ship all the organic foodscraps collected to the Lower Mainland for processing for the next 20 months at a cost of only about $5 million bucks! Foodscraps - the kind of stuff you can feed to pigs and they enjoy it (no cost here!) foodscraps - the kind that, well, you know, decompose naturally and enrich the soil! Honestly, do those swivelstool bureaucrats have poop for brains? Money means nothing to these "rocket scientists"? And I do earnestly apologize to real rocket scientists by the way.
Makes you miss the Three Stooges doesn't it?
Anyway, Spring is a coming here on my Island, and in spite of a ghastly snowfall last weekend (oh the horror!!!!) which thankfully melted away almost as fast as it came, and all the trees are starting to bud out and the walking paths are a treat to travel again.
Take care out there,