Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday musings

Hmmm, number of things to comment on this week, just not too sure where to start.
OK, in the United Nations this week, speaker after speaker from Muslim lead countries has demanded that world countries enact laws to stop depictions and comments on the prophet Mohammed. Maybe these pleas would have more traction if not for the mob frenzy of their citizens in their virulent and violent demonstrations and yes, murders in protest against so called blasphemers. It seems to many that it is very convenient to stage mob protests against real or perceived insults on a religion while using that pretext as a front for true anti American hatred and hatred against what might be termed Western values.
A convicted terrorist by the name of Omar Kahdr, who claims Canadian citizenship who had been held for over a decade in the American detention prison in Guantanamo, Cuba ( that is correct, an American military base exists in Cuba – the country that successive American Presidents and politicians of all stripe have installed boycott laws against and vowed to help overthrow the Communist lead government – that Cuba!) is now back in Canadian penal hands.
He says he is very, very happy about this.
I wonder how this will play out. Will he be released at some point into the general population? Do you think he is no longer a “child terrorist” at heart anymore? Will he become a productive member of society or will he do like many released terrorists, and that is return to the ways of terror?
Time will tell.
In Canada, a meat processing plant in the province of Alberta has its products linked to a e coli outbreak with nine people affected to date. The border has been closed to the United States for this product and industry people are not sure when it will re-open. Many people are wondering why it took the government, which discovered the problem on Sept. 4Th, until after Sept. 16th to inform the public.
One of the casualties in any process of meat recall are the people that cannot afford to go to local butchers or deli shops for custom cuts of meat and instead rely on items such as “chub” ground meat product, and bulk tray packs of value priced meat cuts for their food selection. The affluent can and do switch suppliers with little to no inconvenience but the less well off are the ones who lose a source of food until the plant is re-opened.
In American politics the circus is well underway and accusations fly about with no regard for accuracy or at least admissions of bias. A favourite tactic of the Republican party is to call all media (except Fox) biased in favour of the Democratic party. They call the media “lamestream” and paint themselves as the true patriots in the country. One wonders if they would pass laws restricting the media if they achieved party in both parts of the government as well as the Presidency? One commentator has speculated that the change in media reporting may be attributable to the 24 hour news cycle the world lives in now as well as the fact that the main emphasis on reporting itself has gone from the so called evening newscast to the morning shows. And also the fact that there is such a vast amount of media coverage on any and everything these days that many times news is “slanted” or manipulated by media people to change from a ho hum story to one with sound bites and controversial opinions and statements. This does make sense to me. Take the way the stock markets are connected world wide these days and the fact that they running virtually 24 hours a day as well. Bad news travels in a blink from Tokyo to Moscow to Zurich to Washington in a heartbeat. Automated computer algorithms immediately buy and sell stock/shares in a nano second if a market tremble is detected or even calculated to possibly happen in the near future. Many speculate that the fiscal crisis in Europe would not be so deep or have happened so quickly if these programs and communication lines were not in place. There is a movement afoot where some lawmakers are proposing bans on programs like this but you know..... money talks and this proposal will soon disappear because it threatens the profit of the money makers. Rest assured, I am a believer in the capitalist system, but I think the time has come to place some restrictions on the way the stock and money markets operate. At one time it was possible for anyone to dream of getting a bigger and better piece of the fiscal pie, but lately, that seems to be disappearing amidst more and more restrictions and taxes on the vanishing middle class.
And all the while the Republican Party in the States is saying that the rich need more tax relief. When companies like Apple store their money offshore and use factories out of country to minimize labour costs at the expense of the American worker who buys their product, you have to wonder, don't you?
In Venezuela reports indicate that gunmen shot and killed two local leaders of parties backing presidential challenger Henrique Capriles Saturday in the worst violence of a volatile campaign before Presidential election to be held next week. If Mr. Chavez looses the election, there may be bloodshed as a result. I cannot imagine that he would go quietly into the sunset if defeated. One way or the other he will not accept defeat and will do all he can to retain power.
In Argentina reports indicate that construction starts fell over 8% in the month of August. A troubling indicator and it raises concerns about a depression hitting the country on top of recent programs against the American dollar in the market place and taxes on purchases done by Argentinians abroad- a very unpopular law.
In Canada the Federal Liberal Party is in a tizzy over the soon to be declared candidacy of a Mr. Justin Trudeau for Leader.
OK, in deference to my comments earlier about American media “creating” news, here in Canada we are seeing the same. The majority of media is Eastern based and they have always loved the father of Justin Trudeau, and he was Pierre Elliott Trudeau, a former Prime Minister of Canada. The fact that Pierre Trudeau instituted a much reviled National Energy Program that basically screwed western oil producing provinces by making them sell their oil to eastern markets at well below world prices – in effect welfare state subsidy of the economy of the East at the expense of the West matters not to these media experts. The fact the name Trudeau is still considered a swear word in the West does not impact their narrow little minds it seems. And the fact that Justin Trudeau is a political lightweight – and that is actually a compliment – matters not to these media pundits. Because they proudly proclaim – he has charisma!
Please, somebody give these media experts a new job somewhere, anywhere but not in the media!!!
I see where the trial of the Popes' butler for leaking private documents is now underway.
You think the Catholic Church is just a little, no – a lot – full of itself and what it thinks its place in the world is?
I wish they would go after sexual predator Priests or allow women to become priests with as much enthusiasm and determination.
In European news, a young man wielding a plastic gun fired pellets at Czech President Vaclav Klaus on Friday, but caused no injuries. How in this day and age of terrorism and intensive security was this allowed to happen? Apparently the man was dressed in commando styled clothes and actually walked away after “shooting” the President. One has to shake their head at this stupidity of the security force but maybe there is more to this than first appears. Perhaps the man did not act alone?
Syria – the murders continue yet it seems the focus of the world is no longer on that poor battered country. You wonder why I am not a fan of the United Nations? Prime case of action by inaction.
Speaking of the United Nations, a report comes out of that bipolar body that indicates that the proposal to tax the wealth of certain countries – read United States, Canada, Germany and give the money to less wealthy countries. You know, like Somalia – gun runners anyone? Nowhere is there indications that countries like Brazil, Venezuela, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran and the like are to be taxed – perish the thought!!!!
So, I said I was going to look at hybrid cars now that I am an Islander on the West Coast. Conservation, recycling and the like is a lifestyle – not a add on when convenient or trendy as in other parts of the land. So, I went to my local dealer and asked about availability and cost. Well, talk about a rude awakening! I was told that hybrids were a no go here and this dealer had only sold 2 this year! OK, I then went on line and looked for a used unit, just to see what they were like and if I could see myself in one at some point. Found one in a place abut 35 minutes from Nanaimo so off we went on a day trip to check it out and then tour the area. The sales person seemed intent on making sure we knew that that it was a privilege to be allowed to pay a premium of about $5,000 for this used vehicle as compared to a gas model of the same make. So, I pay $5,000 MORE and the gas savings would be about $800 a year compared to a conventional gas model. Divide $5,000 by $800 and that is a little over 6 years before cost savings occur. The sales person then mentioned that with this unit being 3 years old, a new battery in about 7 years would be about $2,500 or so! When I asked about recycling the old battery, he would or could not give me an answer if this was possible.
So, I think I have to rethink my possible conversion from gas to hybrid.
My better half has signed up for swim and fitness programs the other day and then innocently asked me when was I going to do the same? Excuse me – me exercise? Is it not enough that we go for a walk nearly every day? Really, next thing you know, she will expect me to get fit!!!!!
Oh well, on that note, time to sign off,
take care out there,

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday musings

It seems Mr. Romney does not want to become President of the United States anymore. What else would explain the incredible lack of forward thinking when he made a speech earlier this year behind supposedly closed doors blasting what he terms 47% of the American people that he says are not real taxpayers and/or are government dependent or government employees who would never vote against President Obama. Then his vice presidential running mate says that the “intellectually smart” people will not vote Republicans so who needs them?
What the heck is wrong with these people anyway? Does becoming a Republican politician mean you lose the ability of knowing when to keep your mouth shut in public where cameras and recorders are almost sure to be present? Do mainstream Republicans really think this way? If so, then they really do a disservice to their fellow citizens I think.
Do they really believe people like Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and the like with their sneering references to the “lamestream” media and their attempts to pass more laws for their rich supporters?
I dunno.
It is not like the Democrats are that wonderful either.
What has happened to the American political system anyway?
The government met in a short session and did nothing to pass any laws, nothing to resolve the looming financial “cliff” the country is hurtling towards, then adjourns so all members can start campaigning for re-election and all the while blaming everyone else but themselves in government for the current impasse.
Whatever happened to the great art of political compromise anyway?
In Pakistan, during a protest against the now infamous American made anti Prophet film leaked on Youtube, the burning an American flag proved fatal for a Pakistani protester, Abdullah Ismail. He reportedly died from inhaling fumes from the lit flag!
What is probably really ironic about that is that the flag was probably made in China!
Waste of a life.
Priests around the world may be bracing for questions from curious congregants, after United States Harvard professor Karen King claimed a fragment of text on papyrus from the fourth century suggests Jesus may have been married.
Why would that be a big deal anyway?
Just because a bunch of neutered old priests a couple of thousand years ago and their successors, like to think he should have been non sexual, does not mean it really was so.
The Presidential election in Venezuela nears and stories continue to emerge that the race is not so one sided in favour of Mr. Chavez after all. Some polls indicate that both candidates are “neck and neck” in the minds of the voters. This if true would be an astounding change in the political landscape there. Cynicism says that if Chavez is defeated, then the results will be ignored and a dictatorship will be the result. As long as he favours the military as he has in the past, this is a real possibility. Sadly this is a common feature of fragile democracies world wide.
In Quebec, Canada, the Parti Quebecois was sworn into office. Never mind that it is a minority government because in the first few days what they did was quite interesting. They scrapped by decree, if you can believe it, the law in regards to demonstrations that the previous Liberal government had passed in the Legislature by vote. Then they by decree again rolled back the law on increased tuition for university students. Now the students are demanding free tuition! Then they are taking about banning shale gas development. Then they also by decree started the process of shutting down a nuclear reactor in the province. So I guess in Quebec, if you have a minority government, you rule by decree, thereby eliminating the need to have a session of the Legislature and passing laws.
Maybe the Liberal government in British Columbia will follow this pattern. The Liberal Premier was quoted in an earlier interview this year as saying that the Legislature in Victoria was of a “sick culture”.
Indeed she was quoted as saying - “When the House rises at the end of March [she meant May], you’re never going to find me in Victoria”.
“I’m going to be travelling the province for the next year. This is my home base. I try never to go over there. Because it’s sick. It’s a sick culture. All they can think about is government and there are no real people in Victoria, and you get captured by this inside-the-beltway debate, and it’s really unhealthy.”
(This quote was in the article from Brian Hutchinson in the National Post web pages).

Quite the thing for the Premier to say – maybe the American Republican way of saying what you think has infected her?
Hey, bought an Iphone5 yet? Apparently the new mapping feature is not too good at this moment. I am sure all the Apple fanatics will explain that away somehow. Good machines but really, are they worth that kind of senseless, slavish devotion?
Just saying.
After all, Macs are just machines aren't they?
Meanwhile here in Nanaimo, special interest groups are calling for stricter rules on tattoos for teens. Yup, kinda puts the problems of the world into proper perspective doesn't it?
China and Japan are embroiled in public demonstrations on both sides in regards to the Tokyo-controlled Senkaku islands in the East China Sea, which are claimed by Beijing under the name Diaoyu.
More and more little news clips are emerging almost weekly of the military sabre rattling actions of the Chinese government. Whether this is intimidation only by visual means or the prelude to possible military expansionistic measures remain to be seen.
This bears further watching.
So this Saturday was the first day of fall in North America – where did the year go and why did the time go so quickly?
Already I read stories of frost throughout the country. Not here on the Island yet, but we will see when that happens. Still seems strange to be planting fall flowers that will be blooming soon.
European utilities are poised to add more coal-fired power capacity than natural gas in the next four years, boosting emissions just as the era of free carbon permits ends. The new stations, replacing atomic and aging fossil fuel- based plants, will boost demand for emission permits. So help me out here, the Europeans slam North America for its pollution, especially the oil sands in Alberta, Canada but they can build these polluting plants and that is OK because they buy “emission permits” that allow them to do so as long as they pay? Excuse, is not pollution still pollution whether you buy a permit to feel good about it or not?
Seems a little hypocritical, but on many items over the past number of years, the Europeans seem to say do what I say but do not do what I do!!!!
Speaking of pollution, I stopped by a car dealership the other day to ask about hybrid vehicles ( remember I mentioned I was thinking of maybe, just maybe of trading in the SUV for one last week?) and was told that they had sold a grand total of 2 this year – apparently Islanders are not interested in them.
Anyway, that is it for this week, oh yes, I finally finished my long delayed input on the project for my American author friend- YAY!!!! Her latest book is available at the following link for order:

Take care out there,

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday musings

So we decided to go to a small parking spot and walk down a few steps to the shoreline the other day.
OK - no one told me it was 285 steps down!
That was easy – but going up was a heck of a challenge.

Then we got to walk along the shore line and that was fun.
Yesterday we went to the harbour front to see a cruise ship that docked the night before.

After a stroll along the waterfront and ice cream cones for the two of us, we walked to a craft market and enjoyed seeing all the vendors and their goods.

We are pretty well settled in the place now, already starting to get utility bills and the like – wonderful being needed isn't it? Next week we have some more registration details to look after then we can start exploring the area around us.
We went to a shopping mall just a short drive from here and found out is was the 2nd largest mall on the island and I have to admit it is BIG.
You could start exploring it in the early morning and still be finding new stores in the late afternoon it is so large. And yes my better half found at least three shoe stores to check into further when I am not tagging along and distracting her.
We have found the recycle depots and I have to admit that people here are much more into this than on the Prairies. They recycle everything here – plastic, Styrofoam, glass, you name it. You even get a few pennies off the groceries if you bring your own bags!
It almost makes me want to look at trading in my SUV for a hybrid vehicle – GASP!!!!!
We have planted a stalk of rhubarb here that started out 50+ years ago in Ontario then travelled to Regina and now Nanaimo – for 50 it sure is in better shape than I was at 50!
I finally got back to my project with assisting on a project (albeit in a minor way) for my friend the author in America, and am happy to say I have made progress on that front. The move was a big distraction but now full speed ahead!
So a third rate crappy film made a couple of years ago by a fifth rate director depicting the prophet Mohammed in a bad light has surfaced in a video clip on YouTube this week and spawned world wide anger and demonstrations in Muslim countries as well as the murder of a number of Americans serving in diplomatic missions.
This is the response from a “peaceful” religion?
I must be missing something in all of this.
All major religions profess peace and tolerance of other religions as part of their faith. Yet over the centuries we have seen the Christian religion mount Crusades to conquer the Holy Land and now it seems it is the turn of the Muslim religion to foster violence in the name of their religion.
The “smaller” the world becomes due to the Internet and almost instantaneous communication systems, the bigger the divide and mistrust between nations and religions becomes.
A tragedy.
Will we see a hardening of attitudes and expulsions of ethnic minorities from countries? Will Muslims be forced – whether through law or by gunpoint to leave countries such as America, Canada or any in Europe – to move back to the Middle East? And what of the children of these people that were born in those countries who identify more with the West than the Middle East, what will happen to them?
And what will happen to non Muslims in Middle East countries, what would their fate be?
The world is a little less bright these days I fear.
Oh joy there are some photos of a topless Kate Middleton now being shown in the world. I for one am so sick of the paparazzi and the sick way they hound and torment people in the public eye. They are never held accountable, no, never. And they are the ones that have given life the to talentless people that are called “reality “stars. People that have no talent and practise no craft or trade at all. One could put the Kardashians in this list but really, it is not their fault, in fact one almost has to admire them for the way they have parlayed no talent into big money – good for them I say and sad for the public for being so docile and gullible.
Apple has released the Iphone5 and of course millions are lining up to buy it as soon as it becomes available.
So the new phone is a little bigger than the old one and has a smaller connector for the charger cord. And people are shelling out big bucks for that? If Android manufacturers did that, all the Apple fanatics would howl in derision.
Oh well, it is only money – right?
The American money czar, Ben Bernake issued new money directives and that is supposed to provide leadership for business and financial markets and help stabilize the economy. It seems to have boosted the value of the Canadian dollar instead.
In the sporting world in North America, the professional hockey league – the NHL (National Hockey League) is in the middle of what could be described as insanity confrontations between bargaining billionaire owners and millionaire players with a lockout as of Saturday midnight. The owners imposed a collective agreement on the players at the last contract settlement (after a collapsed strike by the players) and now are crying poverty over the self same agreement! So they want the players to fix their screw up? And this in the midst of teams resigning players up to and including the last minute to obscene contracts?
The owners are crying poverty?
You have got to be kidding me.
And the players are not blameless, but you know, they are the ones whose bodies are the fodder for this sports and it is they that will limp into a pain filled middle age with prospects of mental ill health as a result of the contacts endured in this “sport” that pay the heaviest price – not the owners.
Out of Germany emerges the news that members of a notorious Kurdish clan in Bremen have founded a new chapter of the Mongols motorcycle club and are challenging the Hells Angels in the city. The police fear a new biker war may be just around the corner.
Another cherished illusion about Germany bites the dust sadly.
Oh yes, in breaking news, Russian head honcho Putin now admits that some of the publicized reports of his athletic prowess were manufactured – nothing like admitting the obvious right?
This week was the anniversary of the horrible terrorist attacks on the United States now termed the 9/11 attacks.
I remember that day well, do you also?
Has the world gotten better or worse since then?
I will let you be the judge of that.

Take care out there,

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday musings

Well, the first week in Nanaimo is now history.
We can almost see light at the end of the tunnel in terms of unpacking and settling in.
The movers arrived Wednesday afternoon and we started unpacking Thursday and then Friday and then Saturday and we think all should be done by the end of next week.
You know, moving once every 27 years is a heck of a process.
I never remembered that in addition to all the “joys” of packing there are the “pleasures” of unpacking. I thought we had culled all the unnecessary “things”, clothing and possessions before we moved – wrong is almost too mild a word.
We have refilled three boxes with items to donate to goodwill and I suspect there is more to come.
Did all our banking at the local Credit Union this week. Had all our accounts moved from Regina to Nanaimo and we were really impressed with the young lady that handled all this for us – for all the nattering people do about younger professionals and their work ethic, she is a true professional and really, really sharp and fun to deal with. Another associate also helped us in another field and made that process almost fly by – another outstanding person. The two of them made this part of the move easy for us and for that we are grateful.
Fibre Optic hook up and Internet was done flawlessly and even getting phone and utility services connected went well.
Had the Barby connected to the natural gas line on Friday and today we barbied salmon for my better half and a fat steak for me and now all is right with the world – until tomorrow when we continue the unpacking process!
Due to the move I have been remiss in my attention to a happy duty and that is assisting my author friend on one of her books ( but next week I will be able to dive back into that project. And that is something I am really looking forward to!
Hopefully things will settle down after next week and we can start exploring this wonderful part of the world.
I see where heavy flooding is affecting farmland in the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina. Up to 17% of the barley crop is lost and other crops are also devastated by the rains that started in August and continue to this day. Still seems strange to realize that winter is ending there and slowly approaching here in Canada.
Argentina has imposed a tax on credit and debit card purchases done abroad by nationals. This seems like a bit of a desperate measure to increase cash flow and also force people to remain in Argentina while on vacation rather than travel out of country. It just appears that there are more and more news items emerging from that wonderful land that hint at economic difficulties increasing and that is not a good thing to read about.
In a story of world concern is the news from Germany that the price of a stein of beer at Munich's Oktoberfest is almost 10 Euros now! A group has been formed to push for a referendum to limit the price to approximately 7 Euros – goodness gracious, that sure is a lot of $ for a stein of beer. I remember when I was a young stripling of a lad going to Oktoberfest and only paying about the equivalent of 1.5 Euros (it was actually in German Marks those days) and that seemed high to me. Of course that was the trip where I went back to my lodgings after opening day festivities and called long distance back to Regina to propose to a young lady who now has been my wife for 35 years now!
Russian President Putin has been documented this past week getting into an ultralight plane in the Russian Arctic circle to lead a gaggle of snow geese to breeding grounds.
Hmmm......he sure does seem like a Russian combination of Indiana Jones, Jacques Cousteau and Tarzan doesn't he? It seems whenever he needs a PR boost his handlers fall back on the so called super- strongman persona that they have developed for the Russian publics' consumption. Gotta tell you, this schtick is wearing a little thin now. Remember Chairman Mao “swimming” the Yangtze River? Later stories and smuggled photos showed him being supported on the shoulders of swimmers – just saying.
In America the silly season is in full swing in the Presidential race. At the recent Republican nomination convention spokespeople were quoted as saying that fact checking statements in speeches was a no go and if they made errors – well too bad, that is life!!
Excuse me – lying is OK now?
I remember one person about a half century or so ago saying that the bigger lie is more believable to people and this seems like a case of deja vu all over again.
President Obama handily won the Democratic Party nomination and continues to say that America is better off now than 4 years ago and that he inherited a fiscal mess from George Bush and is still trying to fix things. Whether this is true or not, it is cold comfort to people scared about a continuing struggling American economy, wage roll backs, increased taxes and reduced services. All the while they see people like certain reality stars, professional athletes and singers and actors getting massive amounts of money for doing things that really do not benefit society that much. Yes they have a function but do they deserve as much as they get compared to a single parent or a ticket taker on a train or the person that installs your furnace on a cold winter day?
It appears that this is not a great time for America and its people are scared and worried and prepared to take their frustrations out on anybody these days. The fiscal impasse that faces the country is daunting, do politicians really care about the cliff the country is hurtling towards if a budget is not passed and passed soon? Big cuts will flow through the economy and that will further depress the economy with little help in sight.
Remember the saying about the emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Do not American politicians get it or do they just not give a damn about their country and people anymore?
I see where Apple is releasing a new Iphone soon. Great story – an all American company making all its products overseas, selling them throughout the world and placing all profits offshore to avoid paying appropriate taxes to the American government. Takes advantages of all tax breaks and then this?
And they are allowed to do this?
In Canada, the government has ordered the Iranian Embassy to close and all staffers to leave the country. Sometimes the Canadian government talks tough and takes some strong actions.
Wonder if they have advance warning of an Israeli military action forthcoming against the Iranians?
In the province of Quebec an election there saw a minority PQ government formed with Independence from Canada and the formation of a new country as the stated goal.
The rest of Canada yawned and said whatever to the news. The electorate is tired of constant economic blackmail from this province and appears at the end of its patience with this and will no longer continue to subsidize that province just to make it happy. That includes lavish social programs not available anywhere else in Canada and an almost free education system for university students and cut rate day care for parents funded not by the people of Quebec but by the rest of Canada.
Interesting times ahead I think.
Well, back to unpacking and until next week and maybe some photos of the move and drive here to Nanaimo, that is it for now.
take care out there,

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday musings

OK, after a wearying road trip from Regina, we are now at our new home in Nanaimo.
Finally, the adventure ends one chapter and now the next begins.
But first, a few thoughts of the trip out here are in order.
A going away present from Mother Nature this past Wednesday as we left Regina - the winds were blowing directly at us all the way to Calgary at over 55 Kilometers per hour - will not forget or forgive that little "gift" as it hindered our fuel efficiency and reminded us of the ever present Regina wind that we will no longer have to deal with nearly every day.
Our friend in Calgary is fine and dealing well with the loss of her partner this past July and we are pleased with that.
We had a pleasant trip through the mountains and stopped at a tourist place called the Enchanted Forest that was opened in 1962 by a couple who built all the attractions by hand. The fairy tale figurines were made by the woman and were of concrete and he built all the structures which include a castle, the Shoe of the Little Old Lady that lived in it. All kinds of animals  and houses, people like Bo Peep, Cinderella, Snow White and the list goes on. A newer addition is a zip line and kids rock climbing wall and other fitness oriented structures.
I had not been there in almost 50 years and seeing old memories restored (as Time does fade and blur memories, I think we can agree) was wonderful. When I think of the trips my parents took us three boys on during the early 60's equipped with a canvas tent (not like the snazzy modern pop up units now available) and really not too much in funds, I marvel at all they did for us and how it was done on limited funds. Nowadays one travels with access to funds via cards, money orders etc. so usually no worries if an unexpected BIG expense happens. Life sure was diferent in those days.
We stayed overnight in the bustling small city of Vernon to visit my uncle and aunt. They are a good couple and retirement suits them.
We like them.
Then off to Vancouver on Friday we went and was that fun! We did as many people do these days and decided to depend on our GPS unit for directions rather than use old fashioned maps to find the way to the ferry port that would continue our journey to the Island. Of course the last time through (in late July) we took the same road to Vancouver and went to another ferry station but I remembered that there was a huge highway sign that indicated the turn off for the ferry station that we were to use this time. But no, we decided to let technology rule the day. So instead of getting to and turning at this sign, we let the GPS unit tell us to take a different route.
OK, I really did want to see cattle fields, horse pastures, road construction detours and a number of nameless hamlets on the way didn't I? I think we wasted about 1/2 an hour or more on this scenic detour. However, that being said we did get to our destination - albeit with nerves a-twitching as the battery in the GPS died as we saw the ferry station for the first time! And yes, my better half wasted no time reminding me that she suggested a couple of times before we left Regina that I should have gotten a car plug adapter for the GPS.
So now we are in Nanaimo, just waiting for the furniture to arrive from Regina and then next week life starts anew for us here. Getting our post box to work, becoming a registered citizen for services, utilities, and a host of many other details too numerous to mention.
I look forward to that.
A couple of comments on items in the world.
Nice to see that the man running for President of the United States for the Republican Party for it seems most of the year, Mitt Romney, is now officially the candidate for the party after a convention that crowned - oops - "elected" him to represent the party. Why have a convention when the rules are so slanted to eliminate vote ability of the delegates but having mini elections in individual states beforehand that cast the delegates votes "in stone"?
Now Romney and Obama can officially campaign against each other. As if they have not being doing it all year long!
The Falkland Islands council has decided to have a public vote next year whether to stay with Britain or look at joining Argentina. I suspect that the status quo will remain in place much to the "anger" of the politicians in Argentina. Before people knock the viewpoint of the Argentine people, perhaps would perception be different if Canada asserted claims to the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon from France? After all they are off the coast of Canada and very close indeed. Just asking.
Stories persist about possible action by Israel against Iran to stop perceived advances in the ability of Iran to create nuclear weapons. This will continue to evolve and the prospect of military confrontation grows by the day.
A man in Sonneberg, Germany celebrated his divorce by taking a chainsaw to cut his house and possessions in half. Gotta love the thinking behind that.
Next week, more about the world I promise!
take care out there,